
Your Weekly Horoscope Will Bring Blessings & Challenges, It's Up To You Which You Pay Attention To

We're coming toward a breaking point in our astrological journey, and there is just as much to feel excited for as there is to dread. If you've been following the cosmos for a long time now, you probably already know that astrology contains just as many blessings as it does challenges, and your November 12, 2018, weekly horoscope is no exception to the rule. So, do you want to hear the good news first or the bad news?

In all seriousness, we can't complain too much, because as of Nov. 8, 2018, Jupiter — planet of prosperity, expansion, and luck — has entered its home sign of Sagittarius, making sure that the upcoming year is made of cosmic decadence, unstoppable adventures, and countless opportunities. The weather is changing for the better, and where there once was darkness, you'll soon find something far more hopeful.

Even more reason to feel excited about the future: Venus will finally station direct on Nov. 16. Can we all just give each other a big hug and pat ourselves on the back for getting through it? The planet of love, romance, friendship, and luxury will be working the way it was intended to in no time. There's no doubt that Venus retrograde ended up being way more difficult than any of us expected, and if your bank account, love life, and creative juices took a hit, you'll soon be recovering from the drama and learning so much from everything you went through.

However, let's not forget that Mercury — planet of communication, cognitive function, transportation, and planning — enters retrograde on the same exact day. Prepare for traffic jams, technological mishaps, awkward conversations, and detrimental misunderstandings, because Mercury retrograde never fails to pack a serious punch.


Venus is finally wrapping up its retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships. It's time to decide what you want out of your relationships and set the perimeters for what you need and what you'll allow. With Mercury entering retrograde in your ninth house of philosophy and adventure, it's time to rethink the way you see life. Are your core beliefs and attitudes truly working for you?


Mercury retrograde spirals through your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. It's time to reassess how deep your love runs; to rethink the love that you're receiving in return. It's also time to settle your financial debts. Luckily, Venus retrograde ends in your sixth house of work and health. You're learning how to make the most out of your daily routine and how to take care of your self on a deeper level.


Venus moves direct in your fifth house of fun and pleasure. It's time to find a deeper understanding of what truly makes you happy, and to connect with your creative powers in a powerful way. However, Mercury also enters retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships. This may be time to get closure from relationships in the past. However, it's also time to work through current issues.


Mercury retrograde derails you in your sixth house of routine and productivity. This can lead to disorganization and falling behind. Don't stress yourself out. Instead, complete one small task at a time. With Venus moving direct in your fourth house of home and family, you're reconnecting with your roots and rethinking your personal values. Also, it may be time to redesign your home environment.


Venus stations direct in your third house of communication, helping you express what you've been trying to say more eloquently. Embrace a new approach to communication and clear up misunderstandings. With Mercury retrograding through your fifth house of creativity and happiness, it's time to rethink what you truly enjoy in life. Are you artistically engaged? Reconnect with your inner child.


With Mercury backtracking through your fourth house of home and family, you may find familial issues resurfacing, possibly even childhood trauma. Dedicate time to patiently healing through these conflicts. As Venus moves direct in your second house of finance and possessions, you're coming to terms with a new attitude towards money. Establish a financial plan that works in your favor.


Venus finally ends its retrograde in your first house of the self. You're revamping your image and redesigning the way you present yourself to the universe. Embrace the new and improved you. However, let's not forget Mercury Rx rolling through your third house of communication. You may find yourself putting your foot in your mouth more than usual, so remain mindful of the words you choose.


You may be free from Venus, but Mercury retrogrades in your second house of finance and value. Money problems may resurface, so tackle the bad habits that have been negatively impacting your bank account. However, your 12th house of spirituality is now free of Venus Rx. Prepare to feel rejuvenated from within and reconnected to a sense of inner purity. Allow your intuition to realign with truth.


Venus moves direct in your 11th house of community. You're finding a deeper connection with the world at large, reconnecting with your inner-philanthropist, and choosing your friends more wisely. However, Mercury stations retrograde in your first house of the self, challenging your self-confidence. Are you accurately presenting the person you are? Rethink the identity that you cling onto.


Mercury stations retrograde in your 12th house of the unconscious. Finding a moment of solitude to cleanse your energy is key. Rethink the way you protect yourself from negative vibes. With Venus moving direct in your 10th house of career, you're refurbishing your priorities and making plans to achieve your dreams. Settle for nothing less than the recognition you deserve and find joy in your success.


Venus finally moves direct in your ninth house of wisdom and adventure. You're rediscovering the journey you're meant to embark on and even it has shattered your beliefs, you're forming new ones. As Mercury falls backwards in your 11th house of friends, this is a beautiful time to get reacquainted with long lost pals. However, it's also time to rethink your perspective of what true friendship is.


Mercury spirals through retrograde in your 10th house of career. It's time to rethink the path you're currently on and make sure it's leading to your ultimate goals. Is your job making you truly happy? Luckily, Venus stations direct in your eighth house of transformation, marking a turning point in a period of immense change. You're letting go of the past and finding comfort in all the possibilities of the future.