Here's How Long It Takes For Your Hinge Matches To Expire, So You’ve Got Time To Flirt
There's a certain pressure that comes with using dating apps. It can be hard to decide what photos to post, whether you should message a match first, what your opening line should be, how long to wait between responses, and more, among so many other questions. But on Hinge, you have the added bonus of time. If you're wondering when your Hinge matches expire, you'll be happy to know that there is actually no amount of time in which your matches expire. You have all the time in the world to slide into their inbox.
"Hinge matches never expire," Jean-Marie McGrath, Director of Communications at Hinge, tells Elite Daily. You and your match can chat right away or months down the line when you see something that reminds you of them based on things they have in their profile. Keep in mind though, that since Hinge brands itself as the app for people who want to get off dating apps, a couple months down the line, a previous match may have already started dating someone. So, they might have deleted their account or at least hid it from public view for the time being, as they test the waters with a new person.
Even though you don't have the added pressure of your matches expiring on Hinge, it's important to remember that you should message them anyway, sooner rather than later! Sending the first message on Hinge, or any dating app really, can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. If you think about it, they liked you too, so there's no need to be worried they don't want to hear from you. They already showed interest in you and probably want to get to know you beyond your profile. Maybe they're shy and don't know how to make the first move. You don't want to miss out on the chance of something special, just because you were waiting for someone to take a step you could've taken, right? Don't be afraid to make the first move! If you wait too long to message your match in hopes they'll act first, you may hinder your chances of finding someone you really connect with.
And remember: Just because you invite someone to start the chat, doesn't mean you can't be the one to reach out first and say hi. The app may say not say "Your turn", but that doesn't block you from sending them a message. So let those fingers fly! Really, you've got nothing to lose.
If you decide to message your match, but by the time you do, they've deleted their account, fret not. There are plenty of other fish in the Hinge. One particular match may have seemed like the perfect one for you, but you have literally thousands of options. And since your matches don't expire, you have plenty of time to whip up the perfect first message. But don't wait too long. Knock your match off their feet, and show them the goddess you are.