The First New Moon Of The Decade Will Be Beautiful For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and noticed the moon was nowhere to be seen? You might be surprised to know that even though the moon may be in hiding, it's still working its magic on your soul. An evening without a moon visible to the eye is something called a "new" moon, and it's one of the most powerful phases of the lunar cycle. So powerful, in fact, that it's the best time to start something new, plant the seeds of an intention, and release yourself from the past. Are you ready to take 2020 by a storm? Because the January 2020 new moon will be the best for these zodiac signs — Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius — and for them, this new beginning is headed straight for somewhere beautiful.
Taking place in humanitarian, community-oriented, and eccentric Aquarius, this new moon is all about letting your freak flag fly without apology. It's also about sharing the wealth with others, standing up to injustice, and working toward a worthy cause. How can you make a difference? Believe it or not, setting a positive example only leads to more positivity, so align yourself with your values and fight for what you believe in. Forming a square to hasty, independent, and unpredictable Uranus, this new moon wants you to dig deep and harness what makes you unique. The world may try to put you in a box and file you down to perfection, but your rough and irregular edges are what make you powerful.
Mark Jan. 24 at 4:42 p.m. ET on your calendar (especially if you're an air sign), because you wouldn't want the Aquarius new moon to pass you by.
Gemini: You're Seeing The World In An Entirely New Way
It's time to take a step back and admire the view, Gemini. You have the tendency to get so fixated on minute details and hung up on drama that really has no bearing on your life. Think about the big picture and focus on how everything comes together. There are more opportunities than you can count and what you choose to place your faith in will inevitably affect every aspect of your life. Choose to have faith in something that inspires you, cradles you, and encourages you. Don't be afraid of believing in something larger than yourself.
Libra: You're Stretching Your Imagination And Coming To Life
There is a fire bursting in your soul. You've got beautiful ideas, the instinct to create, and the desire to have fun. Why else were you put on this earth other than to enjoy it? Remember that life is too short to spend it worrying, judging, and following the rules. Do whatever makes you feel alive. When you were a child, you never worried whether you looked stupid or whether you were "supposed" to be doing something. As a child, you lived fully in the moment and trusted your instincts. Get back in touch with your childlike sense of wonder, Libra.
Aquarius: You're Becoming A New And Improved Version Of Yourself
You put a lot of pressure on yourself, Aquarius. You're passionate about being the most unique, progressive, and refined version of yourself. It's why you can't help but challenge the status quo. You're simply making sure you stay true to your beliefs, no matter how out-of-this-world they might be. However, this passion can sometimes translate to a fear of being ordinary, which can leave you denying your true feelings. Being yourself does not make you ordinary. In fact, it makes you quite the opposite. By acknowledging the parts of you that aren't perfect, you're only strengthening your confidence.
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