The Best Back To School Look For Your First Day Of Classes, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pack up your backpack and grab an extra cup of coffee, because it's time to go back to school. This summer flew by, and you probably have a lot of emotions and excitement going into this semester. Maybe you're heading to college for the first time, or reuniting with your roommates after being apart for a few months. You've been preparing for this day for a while now, and possibly thinking about what you'd wear to art class on Monday morning. The best back to school look for your first day of classes has been picked for you by the stars. You know they always have your most fashionable interests (and zodiac sign) in mind.
Growing up, you'd always do lots of shopping leading up to the first day of school. Your mom or older sister would take you to the mall to pick out a new outfit and a pair of trendy sneakers. You wanted give your teachers a good first impression. Not too much has changed, and right now you're stuffing your car with suitcases of clothes and cute decorations for your dorm.
Soon enough, everybody will be wearing sweatpants and cozy crewnecks to class. But, the first day always calls for a chic outfit right off the rack. The universe picked out the best look for you to crush it.