September 2020 Will Be The Best For These 3 Zodiac Signs

If You're Any Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, September Will Be A Really Good Month

by Valerie Mesa
Originally Published: 

September is officially in session, which means if you live in the Northern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox is just weeks away. Hard to believe we're well into the latter half of 2020, but the good news is September 2020 will be the best for these zodiac signs — Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn but don't get too excited yet. September's astrological transits and back-to-back energy shifts could easily catch you off guard, so make sure to stay grounded.

September starts on a dreamy note with a full moon in the sign of Neptune-ruled Pisces on Sept. 2, followed by Virgo's clever planetary ruler, Mercury, entering relationship-driven Libra the following day. In charming Libra, the messenger god will caramelize the communication sector, highlighting the importance of diplomacy and equality. This transit is ideal for compromise, negotiations, and making amends. Coquettish Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, will also make a debut in cinematic Leo on Sept. 6, which automatically adds a bit of flamboyant pizzazz when it comes to values, pleasures, spending habits, and romantic partnerships. On Sept. 8, go-getter Mars will station retrograde in its sign of rulership, Aries.

Mars retrograde is about self-reflection, especially in regard to your personal identity and levels of assertion. Bountiful Jupiter finally goes direct on Sept. 12, which will more than likely come with a blessing or two. The new moon in Virgo on Sept. 17 will be an excellent opportunity to start a new routine, followed by the sun's shift into eloquent Libra on Sept. 22, the autumnal equinox. Saturn also stations direct on Sept. 29, which will alleviate the retrograde tension of the last few months.

It's no secret that September will be energetically overwhelming, but it'll be especially riveting for earth signs:


Taurus: You're Feeling Confident, Productive, And Inspired

There's nothing you love more than being in your element, Taurus. With the sun in Virgo igniting your courageous fifth house of joy, love, creativity, self-expression, authenticity, and passion, everything from your ego to your heart center feels energized and revitalized. What can you improve, or perhaps continue to work on, when it comes to your daily duties and due diligence?

Mercury's got you covered, as it will enter Libra and dazzle your sixth house of responsibility and routine. You got this.

Virgo: You're Focusing On Yourself More And It Feels Good

Happy birthday, Virgo. Cheers to another fabulous journey around the sun. There's nothing more rejuvenating than the sun beaming its magnificent rays over your sign, which only happens once a year. Although, in addition to basking in the blessings of this divine spotlight, September always brings a to-do list. The full moon will ignite your committed seventh house of partnerships and one-on-one exchanges, bringing something in your relationship sector to fruition.

Mercury will be in Libra via your pleasure-seeking second house of values, finances, and self-esteem, which will serve as a much-needed reminder to own up to your self-worth. Forgive yourself and those you've been holding resentment toward. You owe it to yourself.

Capricorn: You're Ready To Make Serious Boss Moves

The sky's the limit, especially when you've been preparing for this moment your entire life, Capricorn. With the sun in Virgo beaming through your expansive ninth house of education, travel, wisdom, and faith, you're feeling the call to take a much-needed leap of faith. The full moon in Pisces will glimmer through your problem-solving third house of communication and immediate exchanges, bringing forth the answers you seek, along with the validation you deserve.

As if you needed more celestial support, Mercury in Libra will get down to business via your ambitious career sector and, in turn, charm your superiors and authority figures. Your planetary ruler, Saturn, goes direct this month, too, so don't be afraid to speak your truth. It's been a long time coming.

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