If You Happen To Be Any Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Season Will Be So Epic
When you surrender to the ebb and flow of the universe, you'll notice how all 12 astrological seasons bestow you with something unique, both to work with and learn from. Mysteriously enchanting like the autumn season, with a charismatic oomph, Scorpio season 2020 will be the best for those with personal planets in Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Although the darker half of the year certainly isn't for everyone, there's something incredibly alluring about its polarizing essence.
Starting on Oct. 22 all the way through Nov. 21, the sun will shake up one of the 12 astrological houses in your chart — specifically governed by Scorpio — energizing and revitalizing this area of your life. It's also important to take Scorpio's planetary rulers into consideration, especially since Mars is currently retrograde, and Pluto is sitting together Jupiter-Saturn in Capricorn.
Scorpio season will be influenced by a series of components. Scorpio's traditional ruler, Mars, is retrograde, so themes revolving around desire, sexuality, and aggression will come up for review. Before stationing direct on Nov. 13, this retrograde is encouraging the world to slow down. Although, with Scorpio's modern ruler, Pluto, sitting together with Jupiter-Saturn in Capricorn, there will be incredible emphasis on structures, hierarchies, and authority figures. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, here's why Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will thrive this season:
Cancer: You're Unapologetically Basking In All The Attention
Whether you're looking for love, or simply indulging in your harvest blessings, you live your very best life during Scorpio season. With the sun activating your lovable fifth house of acknowledgement, happiness, romance, passion projects, and creative expression, you're also being bestowed with a much-needed burst of confidence, both personally and when it comes to your committed partnerships.
Mars also stations direct in your ambitious career sector this season, which will feel like a well-deserved pick-me-up, especially if you've been feeling unmotivated in the work place, or insecure about your sense of authority. It's time to move forward with confidence and clarity, Cancer.
Scorpio: You're Celebrating And Vibrating At A Higher Frequency
Happy birthday, Scorpio. You accomplished a great deal this year, and there's so much to be grateful for. Are you ready to celebrate? In addition to the seasonal perks — specifically, Mercury stationing direct in your sign, followed by your traditional ruler, Mars, direct in Aries — your modern ruler, Pluto, has been sitting alongside Jupiter-Saturn in your intellectual third house of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges for quite some time, which has been a blessing in disguise.
This has not only destroyed the previously set structures, thought patterns, and mental programs stifling your soul journey, but also gifted you with an incredible amount of intellectual power, and universal insight. If you were once too afraid to use your voice, you are now more confident than ever before. Your words are spells, so use them wisely.
Pisces: You're Redefining Your Truth And Belief Systems
You are powerful beyond measure, Pisces. While power continues to be a key theme throughout Scorpio season, the faith you have in what's waiting for you over the horizon is now priority. You of all people know energy speaks louder than words, so it's important to keep vibrating at a high frequency. The more you believe in the power of your intentions, the higher the chance of you manifesting your desires.
This will be especially significant right now, as the sun will light up your ninth house of education, travel, personal philosophy, and long-term goals. Scorpio's ruler, Pluto, will also be igniting your 11th house of hopes, wishes, and dreams, which will continue to empower your goals and aspirations. With Mars stationing direct in your second house of values, and pleasure, your self-worth will also skyrocket together with your contagious enthusiasm this season. To infinity and beyond, Pisces.
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