I Still Have Questions About Khloé K's Most Cryptic IG Quotes Of 2019

by Brandy Robidoux
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

There is a mystery to be solved nearly every time Khloé Kardashian posts a message to Instagram. She's known for posting lengthy quotes on Instagram, but she rarely discloses who she's talking about. She's actually become quite the cryptic queen, and fans regularly flood the comments section and Twitter with guesses about what, exactly, she's getting at. When it comes to the meaning behind Khloé Kardashian's most cryptic Instagram quotes of 2019, your guess is as good as mine.

Kardashian once insisted her cryptic quotes aren't always about herself. "Quotes are allowed to move you and make you feel a certain way — it doesn't mean that you even have to have experienced what the quote is referencing," she wrote in a 2016 post on her website. "95% percent of my quotes are just things that move me and make me feel good."

Still... some of Kardashian's quotes about romance, friendship, and heartbreak seem to hit a little too close to home sometimes, especially following her February 2019 split with Tristan Thompson amid a cheating scandal involving her little sister Kylie Jenner's former best friend, Jordyn Woods.

Obviously, Kardashian had a lot to say online about the drama, even if what she had to say was hella cryptic. Almost every week, there was a profound message popping up on her Instagram Story. These 20 quotes from Kardashian say it all, while remaining completely mysterious.

01Feb. 5 — "Soulmates never die."

A mere two weeks before splitting with Thompson, Kardashian was posting sweet sentiments about love. Things were seemingly good between the couple when this message arrived.

02March 28 — "Stay away from people who play the victim..."

"Stay away from people who play the victim knowing they're in the wrong."

Truth be told, this quote didn't seem that cryptic. It seemed like a clear shot at Woods, who went on Jada Pinkett Smith's Red Table Talk on March 1, and revealed she and her entire family were being bullied after the Tristan Thompson scandal.

03April 23 — "We could have made it work..."

"The saddest thing about our story is that we could have made it work. If you cared about me like I care about you, you would have fought for me. But you didn't. So it's clear, I was right every time that I told you that I loved you more. You always denied it and said you loved me more, but I guess now we know."

This is another message that was almost surely about Thompson. Kardashian and her ex had their fair share of ups and downs since first meeting in 2016. Even after Thompson's first cheating scandal during Kardashian's pregnancy with True, Kardashian still made a valiant effort to make their relationship work despite fans telling her to leave Thompson.

04May 9 — "[Nothing's] as easily wounded as a man's ego..."

"Women are considered fragile, but I've never seen anything as easily wounded as a man's ego."

Khloé Kardashian coming through with the facts. While this one doesn't seem to be about anyone in particular, it's definitely aimed at the entire population of men.

05May 15 — "Real is rare."

"The reality is... none of us are easy to be with... we all suffer from something. So when you meet someone who's willing to stay... committed to understanding you and actually wants to grow with you... don't let lame sh*t like ego and pride ruin it. real is rare... remember that."

This message was incredibly cryptic, but very on-brand for Kardashian. The line "we all suffer from something" is similar to anti-bullying messages Kardashian has previously shared all the way back in 2012.

06June 26 — "Wise men say, only fools rush in."

Kardashian finished off the famous Elvis Presley lyrics in the caption of this post, writing: "but I can’t help falling in love with you." Fans couldn't quite figure out whether Kardashian secretly had a new man in her life at the time, or if she was alluding to her ex, Tristan Thompson.

07May 23 — "You don't have to feel guilty..."

"You don't have to feel guilty for not being accessible anymore. You are allowed to create distance from the ones who disrespect your boundaries and taint your energy without having to explain yourself."

This quote appears to be about fame and lack of privacy, something Kardashian knows about all too well as a member of the KarJenner family.

08May 31 — "That's just the kind of person you are."

"Your loyalty might have kept you in some situations that common sense should've talked you out of. That's just the kind of person you are."

This quote speaks to Kardashian's loyal character. Whether it's jumping to a friend's defense online, or standing by ex her Lamar Odom through his darkest days, loyal is practically Kardashian's middle name.

09June 3 — "It's not the breakup that hurts the most..."

"It's not the breakup that hurts the most. It's the post trauma that follows it. It is waking up and checking your phone for the messages that aren't there. It's like starting your life over again and you have no idea where to begin."

Kardashian posted this quote a full four months after she and Thompson split, and it's a clear message about the slow-moving process of moving on.

10June 8 — "Sometimes you need bad things to happen..."

"Sometimes you need the bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow."

When life knocks Kardashian down, she gets right back up. This quote was a welcome dose of positivity on Kardashian's page after a tough start to the year.

11 June 16 — "Advice of the day..."

"Advice of the day: stop having relationship problems with someone you're not in a relationship with."

This gem of advice hinted there might have been some behind the scenes drama between Kardashian and Thompson. Later that month, she insisted she was entirely focused on baby True, so that could be why she wanted to stay away from any relationship drama.

12June 21 — "Every person is fighting a battle..."

"Understand this. You can sound confident and have anxiety. You can look healthy but feel like sh*t. You can look happy and be miserable inside. You can be good looking and feel ugly. So be kind, because every person is fighting a battle you know nothing about."

With more than 100 million Instagram followers, Kardashian deals with constant unsolicited feedback about her life, from who she should or shouldn't date and how she should raise her daughter, to how much Photoshop she should use. This quote seemed to be a thinly veiled reminder that people should lead with kindness, because they don't know what someone is going through behind the scenes.

13June 23 — "Sometimes it takes your greatest breakdown to create your breakthrough."

"Maybe it's not working out because God is working out something better. Sometimes it takes your breakdown to create your breakthrough. Sometimes our greatest blessings come from our biggest disappointments."

It's no secret that Kardashian loves imparting wisdom upon her followers. It sounds like this was a prime example of Koko hoping to bring some light to anyone having a bad day.

14July 7 — "Are you proud of who you have become?"

July 2019 saw Koko flourishing, living her best life, and truly moving on from Thompson. This seemed to be nod to her self-growth, though she also may have just been a fan of this quote.

15July 20 — "We will be remembered by how hard we loved."

"When all is said and done, we will be remembered by how hard we loved."

Kardashian knows she's a lover not a fighter, and that's probably why she handled her 2019 drama with grace.

16July 24 — "Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles."

"Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles... it takes away today's peace."

No worries here: Despite a drama-filled year, Koko wants everyone to know she's taking things one day at a time.

17Oct. 22 — "You don't drown by falling..."

"You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there."

Leave it to Koko to lift herself out of even the murkiest situations. This quote was a true testament of her ability to get back up when life knocks her down.

18Nov. 2 — "We forget to be understanding."

"We're all so desperate to be understood; that we forget to be understanding."

Kardashian further explained this quote in the caption of her post. "It’s ok to be kind," she wrote. "To take one's time and try to understand why someone is hurting or lashing out. We are all hurting at times even with happy faces painted on."

19Nov. 11— "Be the one who nurtures and builds."

"Be the one who nurtures and builds, be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them."

Fans praised Kardashian after she shared this inspirational quote, saying she's "beautiful inside and out."

20Dec. 11 — "Liars are always ready to take oaths."

Kardashian's most recent cryptic quote was also one of her biggest zingers. The slideshow post contained three quotes, all about lies and deceit.

Probably not so coincidentally, the message arrived just hours after it was revealed Woods passed a lie detector test about the extent of her involvement with Thompson on the night she says he kissed her.