June 1 Will Be The Best Week For These Zodiac Signs & It's In The Stars
It's been an easy, breezy, and exciting Gemini season. When the sun is in this fickle and fun zodiac sign, you're encouraged to open your mind to all possibilities, revamp your sense of humor, learn everything there is to know about everything, and engage in stimulating conversations. Gemini is an incredibly quirky, zany, and bouncy zodiac sign, and this season is all about having a good time. June 1, 2020 will be the best week for these zodiac signs and Gemini season is most certainly responsible for all sorts of blessings. However, this Gemini season isn't any ordinary Gemini season. You might not associate Gemini with intensity, since Gemini prefers to go with the flow and keep things light, but this year, you'll see just how serious Gemini season can be.
The seriousness begins with a lunar eclipse in Gemini's opposite sign, Sagittarius, on June 5. Normally, this would just be a full moon, but because June includes a fierce and unrelenting eclipse season, this full moon is now a blood moon, making it that much more intense. However, even though blood moons tend to spark unpredictable changes and revelations, it doesn't always have to be a difficult experience. In fact, sometimes a lunar eclipse coincides with a majorly positive transition in your life, such as an exciting promotion, a promising new relationship, or any form of success. If you were born with your sun or rising sign in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, there's a chance the blood moon slated to take place this week will feel incredibly rewarding.
However, more often than not, an eclipse is a mixed bag. Even if the change it brings is difficult, there's always a silver lining to the shift, and even if the change it brings is positive, it might also feel bittersweet. Here's what the following signs can expect:
Gemini: You're Deepening The Important Relationships In Your Life
You've got so much love to give, Gemini, and this week, you're understanding that love on a deeper level. You're taking stock of the people who matter in your life and you're getting a better idea of where these relationships are going. Although you may feel as though you're saying goodbye to people who no longer bring out the best in you, you're strengthening your existing relationships and saying hello to new ones. Open your heart, open your mind, and trust where the cosmos are taking you. I can assure you it's somewhere beautiful.
Libra: You're Breaking Through So Many Mental Restrictions
There are so many patterns, habits, and perspectives that hold people back. Imagine what you could do if you could find a way to shatter them into oblivion. Luckily, you're in the midst of a very expansive and liberating period of your life, and this week, you're feeling inspired to be spontaneous, open-minded, and willing to take a different journey than before. To some, this may look reckless or irresponsible, but deep down, you know you're letting go of your fear so you can try things that were previously too terrifying for you to try.
Aquarius: You're Unleashing Your Creativity On The World
Give yourself permission to make a mess and fail a few times, because your creativity is sparkling with life and it deserves to have a space in your world. However, creativity doesn't thrive under criticism. You must give yourself the freedom to make mistakes and keep going in spite of them. The point isn't to do things perfectly; the point is to have fun. Tap into your inner source of wonder and imagination and allow yourself to connect with the universe in the way you were always meant to. Being creative is a human act, so don't deny yourself your humanity.