
Chrissy Teigen Perfectly Shaded Donald Trump Over His Alleged Use Of The N-Word

by Chelsea Stewart
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Chrissy Teigen just proved yet again that she's the most ferociously shady Donald Trump critic out there. The president has been under fire in recent days for a number of accusations his former aide, Omarosa Manigault Newman, made in her recently-released book Unhinged, including claims that there are tapes of him using a racial epithet during the filming of his old reality show The Apprentice, something Trump has denied. The comedian is one of the latest stars to weigh in on the matter, and Chrissy Teigen's tweet about the N-word could not be any more perfect.

Teigen took to Twitter on Tuesday, Aug. 14, where she opened up about her own refusal to use the word. According to the mom-of-two, she's never used the offensive remark — on any occasion — because "it really isn't that hard" not to. She went on to say that if certain people wouldn't say the word, there wouldn't be any tapes of them saying it. She wrote:

I’ve gone my entire life without saying the n word. Not when singing a song, not out loud, not in my head. It really isn’t that hard. The trick is to just...not say it. And boom! You’ve never said it and there’s no tape of you saying it.

Here's looking at you, Trump.

Her tweet came just hours after White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders revealed in a news briefing that she couldn't "guarantee" that President Donald Trump never used the N-word. Instead, she said she has not been in "every single room," but added that she "never heard him say it." Sanders also repeatedly pointed out that Trump himself has denied using the slur, referring inquiring reporters to tweets the president sent out on Aug. 13 in which he addressed the drama directly.

In Trump's tweets, he claimed that Apprentice producer Mark Burnett had called him and assured him that no such tape exists, as attributed by "Wacky and Deranged Omarosa." He also declared that he doesn't have the word in his vocabulary and never has.

His posts read:

.@MarkBurnettTV called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa. I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have. She made it up. Look at her MANY recent quotes saying ... ....such wonderful and powerful things about me - a true Champion of Civil Rights - until she got fired.

Though the question of whether the tapes do exist has yet to be answered, that clearly isn't going to stop Teigen — a frequent critic of Trump's — from speaking out on his controversies. Another one of her notable shots at the president came on June 14, his 72nd birthday, when she and her hubby John Legend each donated $72,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to oppose Trump's highly-controversial "zero tolerance" policy. The now-abandoned policy permitted the separation of migrant children from their families after they crossed into the U.S. at the southern border, and organizations like the ACLU stepped up to help the families fight against it.

To sum all of this up, Teigen is not one to stand idly by and let Trump and his antics go by without putting in her two cents. IDK about you, but I'll definitely be paying attention to all she says about him moving forward.