Prepare For Your Teen Heart To Sob, Because Charlotte Russe Is Reportedly Closing All Its Stores
If you grew up in a town like mine, the highlight of your tween life was getting dropped off at the mall by a friend's parents and walking around with your peers for hours, usually window shopping as opposed to actually buying things, and basically just hanging out in the stores. For my friends and I, Charlotte Russe was one of the main go-tos, not to mention one of the few places in the mall we could actually afford to shop, so when I heard all Charlotte Russe stores and the online shop are closing, I felt some major nostalgia rear its head. Where will the tweens of today go to buy their school dance outfits? Will they have to shop via Instagram ads? I shudder at the thought. Charlotte Russe, you were good to me, and I hate to see you go out like this.
I was in a mall just last week when I swear I walked by a thriving Charlotte Russe. I'm also a fan of their Charlotte Russe beauty line, which I thought had some really impressive products, given the reasonable price point. I know I'm not alone in my fondness for the brand, but fondness isn't always enough to keep a company afloat. Charlotte Russe has reportedly filed for liquidation, and plans to close down all 416 stores, as well as their 10 Peek Kids stores, too, per Business Insider. This comes after the company filed for bankruptcy a month ago in February, when it planned to close just 94 of the stores.
The only slight upside to a store's closing is the promise of liquidation discounts and sales, and if you live near a Charlotte Russe, these you'll find. Sales will begin on March 7 and run all the way through April 30, so you have almost two months to let out your nostalgic feels and partake in a few final Charlotte Russe shopping sprees.
If you were more of an online shopper, sorry in advance: The site is already long gone.
If you're upset by the news, you're not the only one — CR Babes on Twitter are shook, too:
The most major bummer of all? Lots of Twitter users are being vocal about the fact that Charlotte Russe was a particularly great spot for plus-size and curvy gals to snag cute, affordable fashions.
Shopping plus-size at a low price point can be tricky, and for so many, CR made great styles accessible. Their jeans were a major fan favorite:
While some brands still don't offer a wide range of sizes in stores, Charlotte Russe was ahead of its time by catering to every body type, and making sure all their shoppers could look fab:
Charlotte Russe, why do you have to go, girl? The malls needed you!
It's safe to say I'll be heading to my local store ASAP to try on some jeans and give the company a final offering of support. Cheers to you, Charlotte Russe, and thanks for being a great option for us CR Babes for so many years.