Cardi B's Reaction To Donald Glover & Childish Gambino Being The Same Person Is Priceless
Where were you the day you found out that actor Donald Glover was also rapper Childish Gambino? I'm going to humbly brag right now and tell you that I knew the two were one in the same right off the bat. I'm good at knowing celebs. I'm good with music. I put the two together pretty much instantaneously, and yes, I want the world to know it. But there are a ton of people who haven't yet caught on to this fact: Enter Cardi B. The pregnant rapper hilariously didn't realize this little gem of information, and Cardi B's reaction to Donald Glover and Childish Gambino being the same person is making its rounds on Twitter — and let me tell you, it is priceless.
The mama-to-be took to Twitter on Thursday, May 24, to share an ~observation~ that Donald Glover and Childish Gambino bear an uncanny resemblance to each other. In a now-deleted tweet, she wrote, "It’s amazing how Donald Glover and Childish Gambino look soo much alike. I think they secretly the same person!!! Soo dope!!’"
Oh, Cardi. Cardi, Cardi, Cardi.
Look, I actually understand why a lot of people don't realize that Donald Glover is Childish Gambino. I think I've figured out why, too. Because Donald Glover is an incredible actor. Like, brilliantly good. And Childish Gambino is talented AF, and his music is award-worthy. And how could it be possible that one person packs THAT much skill and natural aptitude within two different careers?
I mean, how can someone be this:
But also this?
Personally, I think it's sorcery, but it's probably just the fact that Glover is just really, really gifted.
So that brings us to the moment where Cardi B realized that Donald Glover and Childish Gambino are synonymous. Many fans realized Cardi's error after reading her tweet, and immediately roasted her for not realizing that fact sooner:
Cardi must have seen Twitter's reaction, and was still not understanding what everyone meant. On May 24, she took to Twitter and wrote, "Wait I’m confuse now ?!"
LOL, I find this all slightly adorable if I'm being completely honest. But some fans still called her out for her uncertainty about the whole "Donald Glover is Childish Gambino" thing:
Others were quick to come to Cardi's defense, though, admitting that they didn't know the two were the same person, either:
And some Twitter users got sort of deep with the entire idea (and I'm actually on board with what they had to say):
I feel like this is very true — Donald Glover would want to keep his identity separate from Childish Gambino.
If you're still "confuse," I've gone ahead and added a gif so that you could truly understand the, erm, differences, between Donald Glover and Childish Gambino:
Spoiler alert: there are none.
So, if you knew that the two were the same person, kudos to you. But did you know where Childish Gambino got his name from? It's actually a pretty funny story that Glover (AKA Childish Gambino, in case you're still digesting this information) went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to explain how he decided on the moniker. He revealed to Jimmy Fallon that the name "Childish Gambino" was given to him back when he was in college through an online Wu-Tang Clan name generator. Yes, that's a thing, and yes, it's actually amazing. He said,
We were all hanging out, chilling and drinking and then we were like, 'Oh, Wu-Tang name generator, let's put our name in.' And we're putting them all in, and they're all funny and stuff, and then mine came up and I was like, 'You guys, it's not funny anymore. This is something big.' I just really liked it.
And there you have it. That Donald Glover, so clever! Or wait, is it Childish Gambino? Ah, screw it. You can figure it out yourself.