Cancer Season Is Going To Be So Good To These 3 Zodiac Signs
If you're someone who likes to go with the flow in all things, chances are you're also thriving in your day-to-day life. There's a powerful synergy between the astrological seasons and the phases of life so when I say Cancer season 2020 will be the best for signs with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces placements, it's because water signs can easily adapt to the energy of their surroundings.
Part of your divine duty, throughout your spiritual journey and human experience, will more than likely consist of learning how to surrender to the numinous timing of the universe. There's really no such thing as coincidence, which means you are always exactly where you need to be at any given moment. Similarly, the sun's shift into emotionally driven Cancer — on June 20 at 5:44 p.m. ET — will bring forth the opportunity for you to go inward and prioritize what brings you comfort. So if Gemini season has taught you how to communicate effectively and utilize your resources, then Cancer season is here to help you use your words and resourcefulness to make your emotional security a priority.
Intuitive Cancer is governed by the moon's maternal essence, as this ever-glowing luminary is a heavenly portal between the conscious and unconscious. Cancer's cardinal waters will evoke the nurturer that already lives within you, so don't forget to listen to your inner voice during this time.
Things are looking good for Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces this season. Here's why.
Cancer: You're Stepping Into Your Power
Happy birthday, Cancer. With the sun energizing and revitalizing you this season, you'll not only be as charismatic as ever — you'll also be in touch with your unique light. As the "mother of the zodiac," you typically have a number of emotional undercurrents and family matters to tend to, but things feel different this season. It's the beginning of a brand new era for you, and this new chapter officially kicks off during the new moon solar eclipse in your sign on June 21, followed by the full moon eclipse in Capricorn on July 5. Though Mercury will already be retrograding through your sign as the sun shifts into Cancer, it's important to use this time wisely and perhaps hold some much-needed heart-to-heart conversations with your loved ones. Say what you need to say.
Scorpio: You're Following Your Instincts And Nurturing Your Faith
Are you ready to take a risk, Scorpio? As the sun shifts into Cancer and your expansive ninth house of foreign lands, higher learning, and personal philosophy, you'll feel an instant urgency and desire to take a highly anticipated leap of faith. Though there are a number of things on your mind related to your sex life and intimate partnerships, this season will bestow upon you the gift of intuition and inner knowing. There's something you've been thinking about since Gemini season, and you're finally ready to rip off the Band-Aid. This magical new chapter will kick off on the new moon solar eclipse in Cancer on June 21, so try not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Follow your passions and do what makes you feel alive.
Pisces: You're Ready To Swim Through Your Vivid Imagination
You're your own muse, Pisces. In addition to thriving during a water-sign season, the sun's shift into intuitive Cancer will activate your expressive fifth house of fame, creativity, passion, and children. This will leave you no choice but you nourish your inner child and find comfort within your creative spheres. Passion projects are more than likely during this time, especially with Mercury retrograding through this area of your chart. This will be a wonderful time to review and reflect on inspiring artworks, and perhaps even make amends with an ex fling. Whether you kill two birds with one stone or decide you've had enough, don't hesitate to use these colorful emotions as your muse. The new moon solar eclipse on June 21 will bring you something special, so stay tuned.