70 Funny Group Chat Names For Couples Who Love To Chat On The Reg
When you're in a relationship, you're so connected that you likely share so much scoop with each other throughout the day. From sending memes and sweet messages, to coordinating double dates with your favorite couple, it can be hard to find specific details when scrolling through the long convo you have with bae. That’s why you might want to start a separate group chat, so you can text your favorite couple and make plans all in one place. Your convo will need an official name, and these funny group chat names for couples will do the trick.
Since you and your SO are always laughing with your fave couple, you might want to choose a silly chat name. Go with something punny like “Quite Fondue Of This Crew.” Or, you may find a group chat name that simply works for four people, such as “Fantastic Four.” If you need some inspiration, here are 70 funny group chat names for couples you can choose from.
Once you have the perfect name selected, you can easily plan a virtual game night or settle the debate on which movie to watch during your next virtual Netflix Friday. Be sure to send a hilarious meme to welcome the funny group chat name into the convo.
1. Like A Waffle Lot
2. Cool Whips
3. Guac And Roll
4. Berry Cool Crew
5. Tea-riffic Baes
6. The Perfect Matches [Fire Emoji]
7. Brewtiful Crew
8. Tweethearts Only
9. My Favorite Human Beans
10. We've Fallen [Leaf Emoji]
11. Stud Muffins
12. Gouda Couples
13. One In A Melon Crew
14. Loaf Is All Around
15. Boo'd Up
16. Lime Yours
17. We Need A Game Night
18. Just Our Types
19. Muffin Compares To This Crew
20. Real Cheesy Friends
21. Only Gouda Times
22. Checkmates
23. Fabulous Four
24. Quite Fondue Of This Crew
25. No Bad Apples
26. Snow Laughing Matter
27. A-maize-ing Couples
28. Nice Pears
29. All You Knead Is Love
30. Lava In Here
31. Birds Of A Feather
32. Mermaid To Be Friends
33. Purr-fect Pairs
34. Flamin-good Couples
35. Pear-fect Couples
36. Flantastic Fun
37. Puddin’ Up With Us
38. Funny Hunnies
39. Don't Kale Our Vibe
40. Love So Mochi
41. S'More Love
42. Significant Otters
43. Ghouls And Boos
44. The Kiwi To Our Hearts
45. Owl You Need Is Love
46. Big Dill Couples
47. Love This Crew A Latte
48. On Fridays We Netflix
49. Cerealsly The Best
50. Love From Head Tomatoes
51. Mint To Be
52. Butter Halves
53. Fantastic Four
54. Ketchup With Couples
55. The Hoppy Couples
56. Double Trouble
57. Numbers One Through Four
58. Together Furever
59. You Can’t Text With Us
60. The Bee's Knees
61. Fur Real Friends
62. Couple Up
63. We've Got Bae-con
64. Couple Priorities
65. We Bee-long Together
66. Netflix And Chillin’
67. Toast To Us
68. Spill The Four Teacups
69. We Take The Cake
70. The Fun Crew
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