5 Easy Winter Date Ideas That Take Literally No Effort
What is the saying? Everything gets better when the sun goes down? Well, we're in luck — because winter means days become nights quicker than ever. Yet unlike warm summer nights with fruity drinks and fun outfits, winter means cold, dark, and tired. It can be hard to keep the spark alive, among snow storms and holiday stress. That's why these easy winter date ideas are a fun way to keep up the sexy without adding to the stressful.
If you live somewhere that's warm all year, or if you're dedicated to a minidress (me) perhaps you brave bare legs and big nights out in every season. But with school, work, family, and the pending snow, sleet, or rain that could happen anytime, it's good to have some ideas on the back burner when you're not feeling up for going all out. From ballin' on a budget to being a homebody on a budget — there are plenty of cost-effective and mellow ways to have a special night with you special someone.
Here are eight easy winter dates, that you can do in leggings and a sweatshirt.
01Let's go to the mall!
If you and your honey both have shopping to do, turn your holiday chores into a middle-school style mall date. Eat a mall pretzel, get a Slurpee, window shop in the fancy stores, then serious shop at Marshall's. Bonus if you get a pic with a mall Santa. #couplegoals.
02Between the sheets.
Baby, it's cold outside! Stay in and make blanket fort, be cute and cuddly and drink hot cocoa (maybe with some peppermint schnapps.)
03Ice Ice Baby
Go ice skating at a local rink or popup. Most places you can rent skates right there, and you don't need to call or book ahead. It can be a last minute way to spread some winter cheer.
04Fairest of the all.
Hit up a local winter fair or maker's market! If you're in a city, you'd be surprised what awaits you in smaller suburbs around — handmade jewelry and candles for a reasonable price. Eat some food, walk around outside, pretend you're Luke and Lorelei.
05Make a snowman!
Play in the snow like you did when you were a kid! Of course, if you are in a sunny climate, or if climate change means no more snow, eat a snow cone! Take an ice bath!
06Make winter good and drinks.
Genderless gingerbread people or mulled cider and wine, have an impromptu party for two, filled with winter foods.
07Binge winter movies!
From Frozen to Snow Dogs, there are plenty of winter movies that aren't strictly Christmas themed. Wear your jammies and get lots of snacks.
08Get Take-Out
All dressed up with no where to go? Put on cute clothes (or cute leggings) to eat your fave take-out at home. The alcohol is cheaper and you can take your pants off when you have a food baby.
From making food, to making forts, to making gross kissy noises, easy winter dates can be just as simple as wanting to spend time with someone. If you're in a LTR, flirting with a new cutie, or wanting a girls night in, maybe offer to do a fun and easy winter date. There's no better way to keep warm in the winter, then spending time with the ones you love.