These 3 Personality Types Will Ask You To Move In With Them ASAP
The decision to forfeit your respective abodes and become roomies is a massive milestone for any couple. Some people feel ready to take that step after just a few months of dating, while others wait years. As it turns out, there are certain Myers-Briggs personality types who'll ask you to move in with them ASAP because, well — that's just how they roll.
The truth is, there's no right or wrong timeline to move in with your partner. Every relationship progresses at a different pace, and to boot, each individual might have unique needs as far as personal space and alone time are concerned. That explains why you may have waited three years to move in with your ex, but somehow you're totally down to take that leap with your new boo after only three months. While some personality types tend to be more cautious and risk-averse overall when it comes to moving the relationship forward, others are more than eager to take the plunge and share a living space. For example, Intuitive Feeling (NF) personality types are known for being idealistic and focused on future possibilities in any given situation, which may make them more likely to ask you to move in early on.
While experts caution against relying on solely the Myers-Briggs type indicator to determine whether or not you're compatible with someone, many do acknowledge that it's a useful instrument in appreciating some of your partner's behavioral tendencies.
"Understanding type is an eye-opening factor because it helps understand where that person is coming from, and what their preferences are," Jan Tanaka, a Certified MBTI Practitioner, told Bustle. "It [can help] spark a discussion about where you can flex style to someone else, and how the other person can flex style to effectively communicate with you."
Obviously, your Myers-Briggs personality types shouldn't be the most important factor in your decision to become roomies. Feelings, finances, and your goals for the future should all play big roles, too. But just so you know, these personality types might feel ready sooner rather than later.
One thing you can count on Debaters for is keeping things endlessly interesting. Where relationships are concerned, they’re also all about continually moving things forward, which explains why they won’t shy away from asking you to move in with them (provided they can see a future with you). ENTPs are almost always thinking about ways in which they can grow with their partner, and obviously, living together can be a massive learning experience.
BTW — ENTPs actually hit a balanced blend of forward-thinking and flexibility.
"An ENTP is also a planner, but their 'P' helps them be creative and open about where their plans take them," Christie Kederian, a psychologist, relationship expert, and professional matchmaker, told Bustle.
ENTPs are not knowing for being the most practical personality type, and often fail to think about the consequences of their actions before diving right into something new (like cohabiting with you). Part of this is due to the fact that they’re natural-born risk-takers. This definitely applies to a Debater’s love life because if they feel captivated by someone they’re dating, they’re not afraid to take a leap of faith to get some answers to their countless curiosities.
It’s also worth noting that ENTPs simply DGAF about traditions, like waiting a year or more to live with a romantic partner. They enjoy shaking things up and pushing boundaries, which includes asking you to move in ASAP.
The Consul is nothing if not extremely focused and goal-oriented, and this certainly comes into play in regards to how they approach relationships. Unlike ENTPs, they are super organized in how their relationships develop and tend to follow established conventions, meaning they definitely won’t rush into becoming roomies until they feel it’s appropriate. They’re far too practical for that.
However, if things have been progressing smoothly and quickly, they’ll always follow their heart in pushing things forward. An ESFJ knows what they want, and as long as they’ve determined that their partner is equally invested in the relationship, they’ll feel safe taking the calculated risk of moving in together. That is to say, an ESFJ won’t ask just anyone to move in ASAP. Once they’ve met someone who meets their specific emotional needs, however, they won’t ever hesitate to show their feelings by asking the object of their affection to cross another milestone with them.
ESFJs value stability above almost anything else in love, and deciding to live with their SO is one step that can help them to feel more secure in their relationship.
BTW, Consuls make excellent roommates. For one, they're super in tune with your needs and feelings, and their top priority is just making you feel cared for. But they also take their responsibilities very seriously as well, and since they value harmony, they'll go to great lengths to make sure no problems at home get swept under the rug or blown out of proportion.
So, you can count on them to listen to you vent after a tough workday, grab your go-to binge-watching snack when they’re at the grocery store, or take on some more of the household chores when you’re particularly stressed.
ESFPs just love the rush they get from falling in love, and the instant they start feeling a meaningful connection with someone, they’ll dive headfirst into the romance with reckless abandon. So, it should come as no surprise that they’re one of the personality types who’ll likely ask you to move in ASAP.
The Entertainer is known for not only wearing their heart on their sleeve but also for fully embracing their feelings without hesitation. As such, they tend to make commitments more quickly than many other personality types. They just don’t know how to take it slow, and sometimes, this can get them into trouble because they fail to set necessary boundaries or take precautionary steps before charging into serious territory.
Thanks to their Perceiving preference, the ESFP is not really a long-term planner — they prefer to live in the moment. And because they’re often so focused on the instant gratification of moving in with you, they’ll neglect to think about some of the potential challenges that may come with that. Bold, free-spirited, and full of optimism, the ESFP is never afraid to step out of their comfort zone, even in the early stages of dating someone new. While they may be impulsive, ESFPs can get along with just about anyone. That means even if they start living with a partner a little too soon, they can probably find a way to maintain a peaceful environment while getting to know each other’s habits and quirks.
“[The] ESFP likes being of service to others and is loyal to boot," Poppy and Geoff Spencer, M.S., CPC, Certified MBTI Practitioners, told Bustle.
Sounds like an ideal roomie to me.
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