The Myers-Briggs personality types who fall in and out of love quickly tend to be Sensors and Percei...
FYI, These 3 Personality Types Fall In & Out Of Love In A Flash

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You know the type: They go on one magical date with someone, and suddenly they're scheming to backpack through the Swiss Alps with them next summer. But when you ask them about their love interest a month later, they're oh so over it. For some people, romance is almost always a whirlwind — and interestingly, the Myers-Briggs personality types who fall in and out of love quickly happen to have a few traits in common.

While the Thinking/Feeling and Introvert/Extrovert preferences certainly come into play in your dating style and relationships, they don't seem to have much of an impact on whether you're the type to fall fast and move on just as quickly. However, the other two functions do play a significant role in this tendency. A Sensor (as opposed to an Intuitive) may be more likely to end up in a string of short-lived but passionate relationships because they like to live in the here and now, relying on their senses and other immediately available information to drive their decisions. Moreover, a Perceiver may be more prone to this behavior in their relationships, because they are inherently more spontaneous and prefer to act on impulse (as opposed to a Judger, who plans every detail of their life).

There's nothing wrong with whirlwind romances, as long as both people involved are on the same page to prevent hurt feelings. But if you're seeking a steady, slow burn, just be aware that these types can be a tad unpredictable in the love department.


Ever heard the adage "The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long?" That describes an ESFP's love life in a nutshell. Fun-loving, energetic, and free-spirited, it doesn't take long for The Entertainer to attract potential partners because their people skills are off the charts. And thanks to their bold, vivacious nature, they aren't afraid of taking charge and pursuing someone they're interested in. So, it makes sense why they often find themselves in new romances very quickly.

That said, ESFPs are also known for being easily bored. They're more interested in experiencing pleasure in the moment, and as soon as the joy or excitement is gone from something — relationships included — they may simply cut their losses and move on. One reason for this is that they're a bit conflict-averse, meaning they'd rather run away from a problematic situation than attempt to work through the issues.

The ESFP's combined Sensing and Perceiving functions also cause them to struggle with long-term planning. That's why they sometimes find themselves in too deep in relationships they ultimately opt to leave behind. As Extroverted Feelers, they have big hearts that they're quick to open up, but they sometimes make promises and commitments that they can't keep. It's not that they don't care about their partner's feelings. In fact, they're immensely sensitive individuals. They just don't always think about the long-term consequences of their actions.


The Entrepreneur is known for leaping before they look, and while that daring approach can be an advantage at times, it sometimes gets them into trouble in their love life.

Among all the personality types, the ESTP is one of the most prone to risky behavior. They are fueled by passion, pleasure, and other emotional thrills. So, it's no surprise that they tend to fall hard and fast because they thrive off that high they get from forging close connections so quickly. The combination of this thrill-seeking behavior and their impatience can cause them to pursue relationships without considering the potential repercussions when they get bored.

During the honeymoon phase (and other early stages), the ESTP is enthusiastic and curious, eager to know everything possible about their new partner. They plan endlessly exciting dates and engage in lengthy, stimulating conversations that build intimacy fast. But the ESTP does not like feeling boxed in — not by a job, and not by a relationship. So, if they start feeling like the connection is holding them back in some way, they may give up on it.

Bottom line? To the ESTP, a whirlwind romance is the ultimate adrenaline rush. And because they crave novelty, it can be challenging for them to settle down with one person long-term, unless it's someone who's equally adventurous and can hold their attention, that is.


As passionate, charming explorers with a penchant for experimentation and innovation, ISFPs are always down to try something new, including when it comes to dating. Thanks to their Feeling preference, they lead with their heart rather than their head, so they often end up forging intense connections with people in a short span of time. However, The Adventurer can be rather unpredictable in their behavior. Even close loved ones can’t always tell what they’ll do next, which explains why their partners are often left scratching their heads when they seemingly fall out of love so suddenly.

The ISFP is fiercely independent, so they're often quick to bail out of a relationship if they feel like it’s cramping their freedom or stifling their individuality. Like their Extroverted counterpart (the ESFP), they’re easily stressed and avoid conflict like the plague. So if a relationship hits a rough patch and some cracks start to appear, they’re more likely to give in to their flight instinct and peace out than they are to stay and fight for it to work.

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