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21 Messages To Send Someone You Matched With Months Ago, To Reconnect


Sometimes, you match with a cutie, and before you can even overthink what you're going to say, you drop a witty first line just to get the conversation rolling. Of course, other times, you match with a cutie, and as you're drafting your opening message, your Postmates order arrives, your mom calls, and you completely forget to start the convo. You might even be too nervous to ever break the ice! Whatever the case, if you're thinking about finally hitting up that online meet-cute, these messages to send someone you matched with months ago will make it feel like no time has passed at all.

Although digital messaging can make conversations lighting-fast, there's nothing wrong with waiting a little while before sending the first message. Whether you weren't sure what to say at the time or took a little break from the online dating game, reconnecting with an old match can be easier than you may think. From asking about their day to making a joke about meeting online, there are tons of funny and low-key ways to message a match from months ago.

And if you're looking for some #inspo, here are 21 messages to send an old match to get some new conversations started.

  1. Going to Trader Joe's, you need anything?
  2. Hey, I know we connected a while back, but I was just looking through my matches, and you really jumped out at me.
  3. Have you seen *topical movie* yet?!
  4. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, my phone died for three months.
  5. Wow, I just woke up from the longest nap ever. How are you doing?!
  6. You'll never guess what happened to me today.
  7. So, come here often?
  8. *Spotify link* I can't stop listening to this! What have you been listening to lately?
  9. Has anything exciting happened since we matched?
  10. Not for nothing, but how is it possible that you've gone so long without messaging me?
  11. I mean, I've been waiting for you to message me, but I guess I'll get the ball rolling.
  12. This is #random, but were you just at the yoga studio next to the downtown Target?
  13. Should I start this conversation with a bad pickup line or by saying hello?
  14. I'm making the first move with this message, and, honestly, you're welcome.
  15. I see we're in a pretty heated game of Who Can Go Longer Without Messaging The Other. I guess I just lost.
  16. Um, if you had the time to match back, how come you've never found the time to ask for my number?
  17. I'm not great at starting conversations. Do you want to try?
  18. Hey, I'm deleting this app soon, but you seem really cool! If you want to get a coffee sometime, here's my number.
  19. So, I guess we'll tell our kids we matched and never talked until I eventually reached out to you?
  20. So... how's it going?
  21. How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice.