10 Sweet Texts To Send Your Partner On Thanksgiving, Based On Their Love Language

by Hannah Schneider

Because there's so much going on during Thanksgiving, making time to show your partner how grateful you are for them can feel a little challenging. More than anything, Turkey Day usually seems to be full of tasks, responsibilities, tons of people, and not a lot of quality time for you and bae. The good news is that showing your partner how much you care could be as simple as sending them a thoughtful text. To help you do just that, here are some texts to send your significant other on Thanksgiving. And to make sure that what you send them fully resonates you can even base it off their love language.

In his New York Times bestseller, The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, Dr. Gary Chapman details how love languages can come into play in a relationship. According to Chapman, the five love languages are Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, and Physical Touch. By basing your text off your partner's love language, you could make your significant other feel super seen and loved. By channeling some creativity and knowledge about your partner, your options for a really sweet message this Thanksgiving are endless. To see what kind of text your partner may appreciate this Thanksgiving, check out some ideas below!

Words of affirmation


For people with this love language, affirming words and compliments are music to their ears. If you are confused about what to say, consider starting with the obvious. The thing about words of affirmation is that a person with this love language may know that they are loved, respected, wanted, and valued. However, being told these things without asking sincerely feels like being showered with love. (Surprise, surprise, that I, a writer, am a words of affirmation person.)

  • Text them a list of things that you appreciate about them. It can be as simple as the way they care for others, their talents, or anything else you can think of.
  • Post some cute photos of the two of you to your Instagram with a caption that explains the things you really love about them. Then text them, "Hey, babe, check your IG!"

Acts of Service


If your partner appreciates acts of service, you thankfully have a lot of options this Thanksgiving because holidays require a lot work. Whether that's waking up early and making them coffee while they sleep a little bit longer or cleaning the house for your Friendsgiving guests, the options are endless. Start by considering their responsibilities, especially anything that has been stressing them out.

  • Complete a task for them and then send a simple photo of the completed task with a text that says, "I just wanted to show you that I am thankful for you and all that you do for everyone. Let me know if you need help with anything else today, (and all days)."
  • Consider texting them the receipt of a cleaning service you booked for the day after Thanksgiving so that they don't have to clean up. You could also send them the details of a manicure you booked for them to relax after the holiday.

Physical Touch


Physical touch might seem difficult to accomplish via text, but don't worry I got you. If your partner prefers physical touch, consider the ways that they appreciate touch and what makes them feel the most loved.

  • Hang mistletoe, or photos of mistletoe, around your place and send them a text saying, "You have quite the scavenger hunt awaiting you later."
  • If your partner likes massages, you could send them a calendar invite for a "Thanksgiving massage by your bae" for a specific time.

Receiving Gifts


If your partner loves to receive gifts, you could do a few different things for them this Thanksgiving. You could consider getting them a holiday-related gift or something related to relaxing after the hustle-and-bustle of the day is over. Either way, your boo will likely be appreciative that you made an effort to show you care.

  • Wrap a gift for them and place it on their bed or somewhere in their house. Then send them a photo of the present with no explanation except, "Just something to show you how thankful I am to be in your life."
  • Order them something and send them a message that says, "Hey there's a package on its way to you. It's just something to show you how thankful I am for you."

Quality Time


Quality time seems simple, but it can be hard to schedule during the holidays. During this season, it often seems like all of your time is dedicated to family, friends, planning, travel, shopping, or any number of other activities. To show your partner you care through quality time you can do a few things.

  • Send them a calendar request for a chunk of time that you're both free. In the request write how thankful you are for them and how much you love spending time together.
  • Send them a text that says, "Hey babe, I just wanted to tell you how much I love spending time with you. I know the holidays can be stressful, so let me know when you want to hang out and I'm there."

If any of these texts help you show gratitude for your partner this holiday season, I will be super thankful. When it comes to holidays, celebrating your partner can be one of the best parts of the day. Here's to hoping you have a lovely holiday, and that you find yourself under some mistletoe with bae, like, pronto.