The 10 Best Gifts To Give That One Person Who Loves Anything With A Cat On It
There are people who like cats, and then there are cat lovers. There is a difference, and if you have a kitty-obsessed family member or friend, then you know exactly what I mean. So, as the holiday season rolls in at full speed, you might be wracking your brain to find the perfect gift for the cat lover in your life. And by perfect, I do mean purrrrr-fect.
I don't mean to generalize, but I feel like it's pretty accurate to say that, for the most part, cat lovers talk about their cats a lot, they post lots of pictures of their cats on Instagram, they sleep with their cats curled up on their pillows, they are often covered in cat hair, they know all the latest cat memes, and, in the case of my best friend Syd, a cat lover to the extreme, they even make art about their cats. People who are obsessed with felines just like to be surrounded by all the cat energy they can muster out of the universe. These are all things to consider when shopping for a cat lover.
While it would be nice to present your favorite kitty connoisseur with a basket filled with teeny-weeny newborn kittens all wearing bows, it might not be the most practical thing in the world, you know? Instead, check out some of these cat-themed ideas to inspire your holiday shopping list.
An Iconic Kit-Cat Clock
These clocks are cute, cool, classic, and, well, useful.
Even if your cat-obsessed friend insists they don't "need" a clock, can they really say no to home decor that showcases their love for all things feline? Yeah, I don't think so.
A Date At A Cat Cafe On You
Cat cafes are a thing, in case you didn't know. If you live in the NYC area, the Brooklyn Cat Cafe is an awesome spot to go to, where you basically get to hang out with a bunch of adorable kitties for just $14 an hour (or $12, if you book ahead of time!).
This is an especially good gift for the cat lover in your life who doesn't have a kitty of their own at home — and, if they do want a little furry friend, many of the cats at these types of cafes are often up for adoption. Just sayin'.
A Stylish Lint Roller To Take On-The-Go
Perhaps this gift is a little cheeky, but honestly, as someone who grew up in a house full of furry friends, it is Necessary with a capital N.
Plus, this lint roller comes in tons of different colors and designs, so you're sure to find something for the feline-obsessed person in your life.
A Custom Cat Phone Case
Your favorite cat lover might just shed a tear (or 20) when they open this gift, it's that good.
This idea is simple, adorable, and the past illustrations from this Etsy seller look absolutely incredible, so you know the finished product is going to be amazing. Chances are, your cat-loving friend probably posts tons of pictures of their fur baby on social media, so it'll be easy to snag a photo on the DL and keep this present a surprise until you two exchange gifts.
Warm and Cozy Cat Slippers
I'm going to make an educated guess here and say that people who love cats also love to be cozy. But, also, I think everyone loves to be cozy, regardless of pet preferences, so you really can't go wrong with this gift.
These cat slippers are sure to make your loved one smile every time they slide them on, especially on those cold, dark, early mornings when they're feeding their own kitty.
A Cat Wine Holder
Is this gift a little kitschy? Sure. But that doesn't mean it isn't an awesome present.
Give your cat-loving giftee a nice bottle of Chablis in one of these holders, and I guarantee they will be beyond satisfied.
A Funny Little Handmade Cat Pin
I just love this, don't you? This handmade little cat pin won't break the bank, it's cat-themed, and you know what? It's just plain funny.
The cat lover in your life can pop the pin on their jean jacket, or maybe even their cat carrier.
A Subtle Piece Of Cat Jewelry
For the elegant and perhaps less "loud and proud" cat lover, this simple set of earrings say "cat" without screaming "look at me(ow)!"
TBH, I kind of want a pair of my own. *Adds to cart.*
A Cats Of Instagram Calendar For 2019
Again, cat lovers love cats on the internet — although, honestly, who doesn't love cats on the internet?
For the friend who shamelessly fills their social feed with the goofiest, most adorable cat pictures and videos the internet has to offer, gift them this calendar to hang above their desk or on the fridge for some extra LOLs as they organize their day-to-day schedule.
A Custom Cat Portrait
I dare you to name one thing funnier than this. Seriously, I'll wait.
Starting at $49, this present is truly a freaking steal, guys. This is the kind of gift that'll get you years of props as a gift-giver. Put your order in now, my friend. It's the cat gift to end all cat gifts.