10 Free Summer Date Ideas That'll Let You Spend Time With Bae, Without Spending Big Money

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With summer just around the corner, it only makes sense that you use the rising temperatures to take full advantage of your date nights with bae. Although treating yourselves to a bougie night out can definitely be fun, there are also a ton of free summer date ideas to try that won't break the bank. After all, finding creative ways to spend time together doesn't always have to involve spending a lot of money. The most important thing is that you're together, enjoying each other's company, and having some fun. Fortunately, all three of these objectives can be accomplished with some planning.

The key to organizing a solid date on a budget is keeping in mind the details. For example, choosing a romantic backdrop can make a huge difference when it comes to setting the right tone for the evening. Additionally, thinking ahead and bringing along thoughtful surprises (like a bottle of wine or a thermos of your bae's favorite drink) are also nice touches that will show your partner just how much you care. Even something as simple as playing cards can turn into a really romantic summer evening with the right atmosphere. So, here are some date ideas to get you started.

Make a bonfire.

There's nothing quite like sitting around a bonfire on a warm summer night and laughing with bae. This also makes a great budget date idea because you can bring along supplies for s'mores and drinks from home.

Have drinks on a rooftop and watch the sunset.

If you live in a building with roof access (or know someone who does), then this date idea is a must. Rooftops make for a romantic date setting that's totally free. Even if you don't have an amazing view, just watching the sunset with a bottle of wine and a few snacks can be a fun way to spend an evening.

Go camping.

If you and your partner aren't afraid of roughing it, then spending a night or two in the great outdoors can be a super sweet way to reconnect. Even though the execution of this date isn't totally cost-free, if you already have camping supplies, it can still work as a budget-friendly activity.

Go on a sunset bike ride.

Enjoying an evening bike ride is another casual way to take advantage of a warm summer evening with your SO. Biking also presents an opportunity to explore new parts of your city.

Plan a game night with a sexy twist.

If you have a backyard or a balcony, enjoying the nice weather with a few board games is also a nice option. You can also spice things up by betting sexual favors, or having the loser of each round remove an article of clothing.

Visit a botanical garden.

Just about every major city has one! Wandering through all of the beautiful flowers and stopping to sit and talk is simple, but so romantic.

Have a movie marathon.

Even when the weather's amazing, sometimes leaving the couch takes way more energy than you're both willing to muster. Fortunately, these types of evenings present the perfect opportunities to marathon-watch some of your favorite films.

Go on a hike and have a picnic.

A little sweat never hurt anybody. In fact, the endorphins from exercise can actually make you feel really good, according to a study published in the U.S. National Library Of Medicine. Even if you decide on hiking a shorter trail, a picnic can be the perfect treat to enjoy after you've reached your destination.

Slow dance in the park.

For those of you who have yet to enjoy the good old-fashioned magic of slow dancing, you're definitely missing out. Not only is it totally free, but it's also romantic AF. Consider bringing a pair of portable speakers and a lantern to your local park or pier to rock away to your favorite tunes.

Enjoy some star-gazing.

Star-gazing is another free date that couldn't be cuter. If you don't have a rooftop or backyard where you can lay out a blanket, you can also sit on the roof of your car or even on a park bench.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to spend a romantic evening with your partner without spending a ton of cash. Plus, summertime is the perfect season to find unique ways to romance each other. Even though planning dates can be intimidating for some people, as long as you choose something you'll both enjoy, then you can't go wrong.

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