Elections 2022
Obama's TikTok creator voting series has the dad vibes you need.

Obama's TikTok Creator Voting Series Has The Dad Vibes You Need

The green screen to end all green screens.

The Washington Post/The Washington Post/Getty Images

If you’ve been on TikTok recently, you might’ve seen a familiar (and unexpected) face make an appearance on your timeline to share some ~fatherly~ advice. In a new series tagged with #CreatorsForGood, former President Barack Obama is spreading the word about the 2022 midterm elections on TikTok, and he’s tapping the help of your favorite creators along the way. As you’d probably expect, the voting series has all the dad vibes you need, cringey-ness included, but his new friends help him pull it off.

In an effort to inspire young people to participate in the Nov. 8 midterms, Obama has teamed up with I Will Vote to to impart his wisdom about voting via TikTok. Though he may not know his way around an FYP, the man does know a thing or two about elections, which is why he’s been popping up in videos from top creators like @underthedesknews, @indiana, @drjenniferlincoln, and more to share his knowledge with the app.

In one video, TikToker @monaswain helped him try his hand at the popular “Them Changes” trend, and in true dad form, the former president seemed like he didn’t really know what he was doing but seemed happy to be there anyway.

Not every video was based on a trend, though. Obama also pulled out his best fatherly advice for a video with @underthedesknews, where he joined the creator, well, under the desk. In a stern yet loving voice that gives off serious I just want what’s best for you vibes, Obama tells the TikToker, who goes by V, “When it comes time for voting, you’re gonna have to get up.” Cue the typical he’s-right-but-I’m-still-annoyed eye roll.

Obama goes on to remind the creator everything that’s on the line for this year’s election, including climate change legislation, gun safety, and reinstituting the national right to an abortion, which fell earlier this year with the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. After the pep talk, the creator agreed to head to the polls on Election Day, but not before asking the former leader, “Is now a bad time to say I voted for [John] McCain in 2008?”, to which he replied, “Eh, as long as you voted.”

He kept the advice coming in a video with @indiana to inform the creator that the stakes of the 2020 election “haven’t gone away,” and when @drjenniferlincoln complained about receiving “OK Boomer” comments on her videos, the 61-year old politician reassured the 41-year old doctor that only one of them qualifies as a “boomer.” Thanks, dad.

After telling the OB/GYN there are “8 million young people who are going to be newly eligible to vote in this election,” Dr. Lincoln took a good-natured jab at his age and replied, “so you’re saying ‘listen to your elders?’” He must hear that all the time from his daughters Sasha and Malia, because he shrugged off the comment like a champ.

I Will Vote helps residents of all 50 states, District of Columbia, and Guam find a voting or drop-off location, check voting registration status, register to vote, and more. With the midterms coming up fast, make sure to check the website for yourself so you can solidify your plan to vote before Nov. 8. TikTok’s new favorite dad will thank you.