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Young woman holding a turkey as she waits to hear her Thanksgiving 2023 horoscope, per her zodiac si...

Your Thanksgiving 2023 Horoscope Is Far From Relaxing

That second plate may need to wait.

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Sagittarius season plus Thanksgiving is always an interesting combo. With the Archer boosting the urge for adventure starting Nov. 22 and the holiday kicking off on Nov. 23 this year, your hunger for enlightening life experiences will only magnify and multiply just in time for your turkey dinner, making your Thanksgiving 2023 horoscope far from restful.

As the sun travels through mutable fire sign Sag, you’ll have the courage to venture out of your comfort zone and into environments that challenge you to grow and evolve. However, before the fun can truly begin, the cosmos on Thanksgiving will ask that you face the obstacles standing between you and your rightful need for freedom, which means you may not have time for second helpings.

Taking place on Nov. 23, the sun in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius will form a tense square with Saturn in the idealistic sign of Pisces. During this transit, you’ll be called to address the limitations or obstacles standing between you and your need to take impromptu risks and sudden leaps of faith. Since Saturn is the planet of reality checks, you may find that you’re having to accept certain facets of life for what they are. This doesn’t mean that you should lose hope, though. Instead, roll up your sleeves and handle the responsibilities that are standing in your way. ‘Tis the season for getting sh*t done.

Here’s how every zodiac sign will be affected by the astrology on Thanksgiving Day:

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Aries Zodiac Signs (March 21 - April 19)

On Thanksgiving, tensions between the sun and Saturn will prompt you to face challenges pertaining to your current habits and routines behind closed doors. You may be faced with some important realities around the state of your current well-being that allow you to rework your usual tendencies. Allow your spiritual beliefs and perspectives to guide you now, Aries — they’re bound to help you put together a healthier lifestyle that supports the kind of person you want to be.

Taurus Zodiac Signs (April 19 - May 21)

As the sun and Saturn square goes exact, you’ll address the duties and responsibilities that are present in your friendships. You may reestablish the boundaries you have between you and the people you surround yourself with, so that they better support your desire for longstanding community. If you’ve been overextending yourself, now is the time to lay some ground rules in your friendships. You’ll be thankful for them in the long run.

Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 21 - June 22)

On Nov. 23, tensions between the sun and Saturn will prompt you to face some important realities in your career and professional life. As this square goes exact, you’ll strive to maintain more patience and determination in your work while navigating the pressures your relationships may be placing on you. Navigating a healthy work-life balance may be a challenge on this day, even when the turkey’s being carved, but it’ll allow you to lay down some important ground rules that will benefit you in the future.

Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 22 - July 20)

The sun and Saturn will form a tense square on Thanksgiving Day, motivating you to confront the limitations or obstacles in place regarding your belief systems, world views, and travels. On this day, it may be more of a challenge to break out of your routines, as your current reality may make it more difficult to think bigger. Don’t let this discourage you, Cancer. Instead, use this time to rework the dreams and visions you have for your lifestyle.

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Leo Zodiac Signs (July 20 - Aug. 21)

On Nov. 23, the sun, your chart ruler, will form a square to Saturn, bringing the limitations and restrictions pertaining to your shared resources into sharp focus. If you’ve been making careless financial decisions, expect to get a little reality check on this day. This may prompt you to take a closer look at your debts or financial obligations, making this a good day to tighten your belt. It may not be a fun realization, but it’ll allow you to develop more control over your commitments.

Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)

During the sun-Saturn square on Thanksgiving, you’ll address the current boundaries in your romantic relationships, taking a realistic look at the connections you’re part of and accepting the responsibilities that come along with them. While these obligations may be cumbersome, you’ll make some productive moves that support the longevity of your bonds with others.

Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)

On Nov. 23, the sun and Saturn will form a tense aspect, bringing the obstacles and limitations regarding your health, habits, and daily rituals into focus. On this day, you’ll start to actively overcome the restrictions in this area to better establish a more structured regimen. While these tasks may be somewhat tedious, they’ll allow you to slowly build a routine that aligns with your ideals for this area of your life.

Scorpio Zodiac Signs (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)

This month, the sun will square Saturn in Pisces, allowing you to confront creative blockages. If you’ve been struggling to express yourself, you’ll get serious about overcoming these obstacles now. The lack of inspiration may stem from a misuse of your resources, so consider how you can better invest in your craft and your artistic pursuits on Thanksgiving. It may not require you to spend much money, and instead, set consistent time aside for personal fulfillment.

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Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (Nov. 22 - Dec. 19)

On Thanksgiving, the sun will form a tense square to Saturn in your fourth house of home and family, bringing duties and obligations in your family and private world into focus. You may find yourself organizing your turkey dinner, or setting some much-needed boundaries with a relative. While the holiday festivities will still be in effect, you may be made aware of some responsibilities you need to tackle before you can sit back and relax.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 19 - Jan. 20)

As the sun squares your chart ruler, Saturn, on Thanksgiving, you’ll confront the obstacles that have been preventing you from communicating and expressing ideas. If you’ve been struggling to verbalize your thoughts, expect to address how you’ve been using your voice. You may begin to feel an increased amount of responsibility regarding how you engage in discussions with others, prompting you to reflect more before you speak.

Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19)

On Nov. 23, the sun will square Saturn, your chart ruler, allowing you to exercise more discipline when it comes to your personal resources and finances. As this square unfolds, you’ll be compelled to tighten your belt regarding your spending habits. You may find yourself reworking your budget, or reenvisioning the long-term goals you have for your livelihood.

Pisces Zodiac Signs (Feb. 19 - March 20)

As Thanksgiving unfolds, the sun and Saturn in your sign will form a tense square, prompting you to embrace more discipline and structure regarding how you express yourself. On this day, you may feel an increased sense of responsibility when it comes to how you exercise self-control, Pisces, so expect this transit to help you get things done. Productivity levels will be at an all-time high, especially when it comes to your career goals — so feel free to use this time to map out some of your long-term goals.