young woman smiles into camera as she thinks about her sept. 4, 2022 weekly horoscope

Your Zodiac Sign Can Expect Major Shifts This Week As Mercury Stations Retrograde

And a full moon’s brewing overhead.

by Chelsea Jackson
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It’s hard to believe, but September’s officially here. Not only is summer coming to an end, but Mercury’s also preparing to station retrograde through the cosmos once again. Taking place at least three times every year, Mercury retrogrades are pretty common, but that unfortunately doesn’t make them any less challenging — especially in the midst of Virgo season. Since Virgo is the productive, detail-oriented sign that’s ruled by Mercury, everyone’s bound to have difficulty communicating and effectively processing information this week, especially since there’s a full moon also culminating overhead in the idealistic, expansive sign of Pisces — a sign far less concerned with precision. With plenty on the agenda, your September 5, 2022 weekly horoscope is all about embracing ideals and aspirations while placing details on the backburner.

On Sept. 9, Mercury will station retrograde at 8 degrees of Libra, encouraging you to review and revise conversations taking place in the Libra-ruled house of your birth chart. As the cardinal, air sign of balance, justice, and unity, there’s a desire to understand both sides of a story, but challenges may arise when it comes to organizing this information.

The next day on Sept. 10, a full moon in the mutable, water sign of Pisces will take place, revealing dreams, hopes, and ideals in this area of your birth chart. As Virgo’s sister sign, this energy is far less concerned with logic and details as opposed to the bigger picture. With this energy happening simultaneously with Mercury retrograde, expect to feel a little scatter-brained this week, but hopeful and inspired nonetheless.

Here’s what every zodiac sign can expect from this week’s busy astrological weather:

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Aries September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Sept. 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your seventh house of romantic partnerships, bringing forth a period of review in your relationships. You may find yourself looking to have some important conversations with a special someone in your life this week, but just be mindful of the potential for miscommunication as Mercury retraces its steps here. You may also find that relationships from your past may resurface, giving you the opportunity to revisit any unfinished business you may have. Just keep in mind that just because someone may return doesn’t necessarily mean that the person should be allowed to re-enter your life.

Taurus September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week, the full moon in Pisces on Sept. 10 will illuminate your 11th house of friendship and social groups, bringing revelations to this area. Now is a time where you may be envisioning a better sense of community around you, making this a great week to put yourself out there and surround yourself with like-minded individuals. You may also be presented with an opportunity to collaborate with someone on a passion project, giving you the space to get creative and think outside the box just in time for Mercury retrograde.

Gemini September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Sept. 9, your chart ruler, Mercury, will station retrograde in your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and entertainment, bringing a period of reflection and review to this area. This is a great week to reconsider how you prioritize balance and harmony in this area of your life as well as how your pleasure-seeking pursuits are stimulating your mind. As a Mercury ruled sign, this period is bound to feel a bit scattered for you, so be sure to pace yourself and take your time processing any newfound information you come across now.

Cancer September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

Your belief systems are being highlighted this week, Cancer, as the full moon in Pisces on Sept. 10 illuminates your 9th house of wisdom, spirituality, and travel. Now is the perfect time to focus on your spiritual journey and consider what’s being revealed to you now in this area. It could be an ideal time to enroll in a new yoga class, plan that silent retreat, or reflect on any newfound belief systems. Just be sure to allow yourself to think outside the box — there are no limits or boundaries to what’s possible now. If you can dream it, you can make it your reality.

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Leo September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Sept. 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your third house of communication, thoughts, and ideas, bringing forth a period of reflection and review regarding these topics. This week is the perfect time to brush up on any old skills, re-read a book, or begin to review subjects you’ve gotten rusty on. Be sure to keep track of your ideas now, because once Mercury dips into Virgo on Sept. 23, you may be able to put them in action.

Virgo September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week, your chart ruler, Mercury, will station retrograde in your second house of money and resources on Sept. 9. This is a period where you’ll be called to review and revise your finances, making this a great time to get some of your affairs in order. Don’t worry too much if you can’t iron out all of the details just yet though, since Mercury retrograde is prone to cause some delays. As the Mercury-ruled sign of the zodiac, this period may feel pretty unorganized for you, but once your chart ruler retrogrades back into your sign on Sept. 23, you’ll be feeling a little more like yourself again.

Libra September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

It’s a big week for you, Libra, as Mercury stations retrograde in your first house of self on Sept. 9. On this day, you’ll be called to start considering how you aim to connect with others through your thoughts and ideas, making this a period where you’re bound to have some pretty important conversations. Since Mercury retrogrades tend to be a period of revisions and review, don’t worry too much if you’re struggling to communicate effectively now. Be sure to keep track of the ideas you come up with during this period, so that you can move forward with them once Mercury stations direct in October.

Scorpio September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Sept. 10, the full moon in Pisces will illuminate your fifth house of creativity and pleasure-seeking pursuits, bringing your ideals to the forefront in this area. Now is the time to step outside your comfort zone, Scorpio, and allow yourself the room to have fun without any limits, rules, or restrictions. The adaptable energy of this lunation is bound to help you loosen up in the best way, and can offer a strong sense of inspiration this week — so don’t be afraid to let your hair down.

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Sagittarius September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

This week, the full moon in Pisces will illuminate your fourth house of home and family, shedding light on the hopes, dreams, and ideals you have for this area of your life. As a fellow Jupiter-ruled sign, you’re always looking for new ways to grow and expand, and the full moon on Sept. 10 is bound to support your desire to dream big regarding your current living situation or relationship with your relatives. Nothing is off limits now, so be sure to allow yourself to think outside the box and consider what your ideal home looks like.

Capricorn September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

On Sept. 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your 10th house of career and public image, bringing forth a period of review and reflection to this area of your life. This week, you may find yourself revising plans for a project, having important conversations with colleagues, or brainstorming new ideas. Either way, you’ll be asked to slow down and double-check every detail now, which may bring up some delays when it comes to your endeavors. However, the extra time you’ll be taking to ensure the accuracy of these endeavors is bound to pay off once Mercury stations direct on Oct. 2.

Aquarius September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

As the full moon in Pisces illuminates your second house of money and resources this week, expect some important revelations to be revealed to you regarding your finances. Since Pisces is a dreamy, idealistic water sign, you’ll be feeling hopeful about what’s ruminating in this area of your life, making this a great time to aspire and think outside the box. Allow yourself to envision your hopes and dreams for this area of your life, because if you can dream it, you can do it.

Pisces September 5, 2022 Weekly Horoscope

It’s a big week for you, Pisces, as the full moon in your first house takes place on Sept. 10. Important themes are being revealed to you now regarding your identity, making this a great time to prioritize yourself — especially since Virgo season’s been calling your attention towards your relationships with others. While these dynamics have likely required a lot of logical thinking from you as of late, it’s a good time to consider how you’ve been centering your personal hopes, dreams, and wishes. If you’ve felt like they’ve recently fallen by the wayside, this full moon is the perfect time to get re-centered.