Love Is Blind's Sarah Ann Said Jet Skiing With Jeramey Was "Beautiful"
Maybe love is jet skis.
Love Is Blind fans will never look at a jet ski the same again. Season 6’s penultimate episode finally blew up Laura and Jeramey’s floundering relationship, as the truth about his night with Sarah Ann finally came to light. After Sarah Ann confirmed Jeramey had told her he was going to end things with his fiancée, Laura was left angrily sobbing over the betrayal. And as she cried, Jeramey and Sarah Ann were giddily riding around on jet skis, laughing off the damage they’d done. It was a scene that many viewers found uncomfortable, but to Sarah Ann, it was a “beautiful” moment.
Jeramey and Sarah Ann’s ill-timed jet ski ride didn’t just make waves in the lake — it caused a huge stir on social media as viewers were left shocked at just how cold the duo could be to Laura in such an emotional moment. But Sarah Ann only sees the positive side of the carefree excursion. Shortly after the episode aired, she shared a carousel of photos of her and Jeramey on the lake with the caption “Beautiful Things.”
The affectionate caption may also be an indication of where Sarah Ann and Jeramey stand after Love Is Blind. Their final scene together seemed to suggest that the two may try out a relationship, but things were left unclear on that front.
Interestingly enough, Jeramey’s tryst with Sarah Ann hasn’t been his only scandal as Love Is Blind Season 6 has aired. Social media sleuths discovered that he had actually been engaged to another woman shortly before filming Love Is Blind. Although this was never mentioned on the show, Jeramey defended himself by saying that his prior engagement was common knowledge among the cast and something that he spoke about on his dates in the pods.
So, now the question is: Did Jeramey and Sarah Ann keep their relationship going after they finished filming, or were they just in it for the jet ski ride? Fans will probably have to wait until the March 13 reunion to find out the real answer.