Kris Lied To Khloé About A Driver's License At 14 So She'd Run Errands
"It was a little bit different back then. Don't judge me."
Just when you thought the Kardashian-Jenners had aired out all their dirty laundry, Khloé shared a surprising story about some illegal teenage activities in the Season 5 premiere of The Kardashians. Turns out, she’s been driving for much longer than she should have been, and it’s all because of a clever lie her mother Kris came up with. It wasn’t until years later that Khloé realized she was running errands and being a designated driver for her mom when she legally had no business behind the wheel.
The shocking but hilarious story came up when Khloé and Kris were visiting Scott Disick and marveling at how his 14-year-old son Mason was going to be driving soon. When Kris remarked that Khloé was already driving at Mason’s age, Khloé brought up her mother’s diabolical ruse: “But you lied to me and said that I had a government license. You’re the one that told me I was allowed to take the kids to school.”
“Wait, what?!” Scott responded incredulously. “You drove the kids to school without a license, and [Kris] said you had a government license?” Khloé replied, “At 14!”
Kris laughed off the whole manipulation, and in her talking heads admitted she fudged the truth so Khloé would take over carpool duties on school mornings. “A government-issued license in the state of California is something I think I made up,” Kris confessed. “It was a little bit different back then. Don’t judge me until you’ve walked in my shoes!”
But 14-year-old Khloé’s driving duties weren’t limited to school dropoff and pickup. She also recalled having to drive her mom home from bars when she would get too drunk. “We would all go out to The Standard, that hotel, and mom got sh*t-faced,” Khloé said. “And it was only her and I. I'm driving on the freeway, I'm 15, this is a lot for me. And then she's just, head hanging out or whatever. No warning: and then all of the sudden, 'Bleh!' And we're on the freeway. It shoots back into me! And I start crying, I go 'Please, mom! Mom!' And she kept throwing up.”
The traumatic event stayed with Khloé, as she explained that her favorite coat, which was “the most expensive thing [she] owned,” was ruined because of that car ride.
After Khloé recounted her early driving days, Scott summed up Kris’ evil genius perfectly: “You are a role model.”