Angelina Jolie Slams Brad In New Court Docs, Says He's 'Terrified' Of The Truth
As Kimye's divorce rumors slowly die down, Brangelina's divorce proceedings are just beginning to really ignite and set inextinguishable fire to the public's perception of true love among the beautifuls.
Following Brad Pitt's December 21 request for divorce documents related to custody to remain sealed — to which Angelina Jolie agreed — the Oscar-winning actress came down hard on her soon-to-be ex-husband in a new court filing.
Though Angie agreed to keep the documents sealed, she refuted Brad's claims she shared sensitive information that may have threatened the privacy of their six children in the first place, TMZ reports.
This isn't the first time Brad has championed the privacy of the couple's kids, releasing a statement to PEOPLE in September, saying,
What matters most now is the well-being of our kids. I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.
Since then, however, Angelina filed unsealed documents that divulged info regarding the nature of the couple's custody arrangement, and the terms hardly paint Brad as the spouse with the moral high ground.
According to the docs themselves, a psychologist was to determine “the frequency and conditions of the therapeutic visitation” and Brad was to submit to random drug and alcohol tests four times per month.
In her most recent filings, Angelina reportedly accuses Brad of lashing out over the unsealed documents because he is “terrified that the public will learn the truth.”
She adds,
There is little doubt that [Brad] would prefer to keep the entire case private, particularly given the detailed investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Dept. of Children and Family Services into allegation of abuse.
Though the FBI and the DCFS have closed their investigations after finding no wrongdoing, the nature of Brangie's divorce suggests they're still in for a series of contentious battles.
With luck, though, this divorce will eventually bring the entire Jolie-Pitt gang some peace.
Citations: Angelina Jolie Rips Brad Pitt in New Filing: He's 'Terrified the Public Will Learn the Truth' (PEOPLE)