
Women Admit Why They Married A Guy They Settled For And Their Answers Are Pretty Sad

by Jen Glantz

There are many answers to the age-old question that seems to haunt anybody in love, about to tie the knot or married for years: “How did you know they were the one?”

While this might be an easy question for some to spit out an answer to, for others, there may not be anything magical or thought-provoking behind their reasoning.

In fact, it may have even been a matter of marrying a person who was there at the right time, and not so much because they were the right person.

Here, seven women admit why they got married to a guy they settled for:

1. Nobody is perfect.

One day, I turned 30, told myself that nobody is perfect and changed the way I dated. I stopped looking for guys who met everything on my checklist and started finding someone who was decent and who loved me. I married a guy who is not perfect — nobody is — but he is a good guy, and that is enough in my book.

— Shawna P., 35

2. My parents loved him.

I didn't have fireworks-feelings toward my husband when we were dating, but my parents always loved him, and they told me he is definitely the one. I wasn't sure if he was or not, but I decided to settle on him and get married because I trusted them. We've been married for a year so far.

— Raquel S., 25

3. I wanted to get the show on the road.

I was about to hit 37 and figured it was now or never. I asked the guy I was dating if he'd marry me because I wanted to just have kids and get serious about the whole family thing. Simply put, I wanted to get the show on the road, and he was the right guy at the right time.

— Dara G., 39

4. He made the cut.

All my friends were settling down and getting married, and I didn't want to be the single one anymore. I was dating two guys at once, and I finally decided that the guy I'm now married to was the winner of the two. He wasn't perfect or everything I dreamed of, but I wanted to settle down, so I settled on him.

— Ashley S., 26

5. I'm getting old.

I thought about having a kid on my own, but then, I realized I should invest more time in dating. It took me a while to find anyone whom I even enjoyed being around. I can honestly say I didn't marry a guy I am madly in love with, but I married a person I can stand and who can deal with me. The truth is, I was getting older and just didn't want to be single.

— Ruth D., 38

6. My friends egged me on.

All of my friends told me I had commitment issues and just needed to get married. I was dating a guy for three years, and it just seemed like the right thing to do. I wasn't sure about him and had cold feet like three times. We've been married for six months, and I'm honestly not sure if it's love or if I just settled.

— Bethanny G., 26

7. I don't think the grass is greener.

I don't think I found 'the one,' but I also don't think the grass is greener. I found someone who is a decent human being, and in my world and this world we live in, that's enough. I don't think crazy love exists. I think you should find a person who is good enough, settle down and that's that.

— Marissa P., 37