portrait of a disco woman holding a retro vinyl with eighties music and neon light

Scorpio Season Starts This Week & Your Oct. 19 Weekly Horoscope Has The 411


You may feel like things seem a little weird lately. This is all thanks to the fact that Mars — planet of conflict and drive — and Mercury — planet of communication — are both retrograde. Not only are these important inner planets not functioning the way they're used to, they're taking you back in time; back to areas of your life that still need to be dealt with. You're going to get a better idea of what these retrogrades are trying to reveal to you this week and your October 19, 2020 weekly horoscope has all the details.

The beginning of the week is brimming with retrograde weirdness. Mars retrograde is squaring off with expansive Jupiter on Oct. 19, enhancing your passion and increasing your desire for something more. On Oct. 19, there will also be some Mercury retrograde surprises when it forms an opposition with unpredictable Uranus, so expect plans to go awry and conversations to shock you. When Mercury retrograde forms a conjunction with the sun on Oct. 22, there will be a greater emphasis on whatever inconveniences or trip-ups you've been experiencing during this pesky transit. Be patient with yourself and remember, perfection is a myth.

Although Mercury and Mars retrograde are certainly spinning confusion throughout your relationships, they are receiving strengthening energy this week. On Oct. 19, Venus — planet of love — is forming a trine with adventurous Jupiter, inspiring your desire for romance, culture, and fun. When Venus forms a trine with transformative Pluto on Oct. 21, you will crave depth, emotional connection, and a sense of belonging with those you love. Finally, when Venus forms a trine with sturdy Saturn on Oct. 24, it will help you find some stability in the midst of all this uncertainty, giving you an idea of who's really here for the long haul.

However, the major astrological event of the week happens on Oct. 22. This is when the sun will leave behind balanced, beautiful, and diplomatic Libra and enter deep, protective, secretive, and mystical Scorpio. Now's the time to dive into your darkest feelings; to titillate your interest in all things taboo and dangerous. It's also the time to spice up your sex life and enrich your heart with a more meaningful level of intimacy. Oh, and make sure you listen to your intuition, because Scorpio season increases your psychic senses.



This week, you're learning how to develop a better relationship with your instincts. There may be times you avoid it and repress your desire. As all this pent-up energy builds up, you might release it in an uncontrollable burst that burns out just as quickly as it went off. How can you trust your urges and harness it in a way that is useful? How can you harness your passion on a consistent and steady basis?


Be really courageous with your creativity this week. Express yourself in the wildest ways imaginable and don't be afraid to really go there. Romance is swirling around you and you're falling in a deeper love with the poetry that's currently creating meaning in your life. Don't be afraid of falling for it. You'll miss out on the brightest and most powerful magic if you remain afraid.


You may feel like you're doing a lot of stopping and starting this week, as though it's impossible to stick to your routine and follow the patterns you've set for yourself. Instead of feeling like a failure, understand that you're in a transitionary period and you're experimenting with different techniques and workflows. You're figuring it out and it will serve you later.


You're craving progress in your career, because you receive so much satisfaction knowing that you're working hard, putting yourself out there, and making a difference. You've done so much thinking lately about where you're headed and what goals to tackle next. Start believing in your ability to do it. Remind yourself that you're more than ready for the next step.



You're entering a period where you're reuniting with your roots. You're craving a sense of comfort and you want a reminder of who you are and where you come from. There may be lingering conflicts waiting for you at home and it's time to give them the attention they deserve. Trust in your ability to solve these problems as they arise. You're creating a deeper relationship with your heart.


You may feel like you're being inundated with missed connections and misunderstandings this week. Take extra care to think before you speak and to listen to what others have to say. If you don't comprehend, don't be afraid of asking questions. If you don't know the answer, don't pretend you do. Honor your mind's boundaries and limitations and acknowledge that you are a work in progress.


You're a social zodiac sign who craves connection and partnership. However, this week, you're being reminded that the partnership you need to prioritize is your partnership with yourself. Cancel plans if you must. Go deep into your psyche if you need to. Your soul wants you to pay attention to what it has to say. Focusing on yourself will help you focus on others more meaningfully.


All the attention is on you and you're probably feeling confused about who you are these days. Perhaps your past is catching up with you and coloring your perspective of the present. Maybe the expectations others have of you is getting in the way of your ability to see yourself clearly. Tune it all out and ask yourself what you feel and what you want. The answer will come to you.



You may feel like withdrawing from the world this week. Perhaps you're just not in a social mood. Maybe you're dealing with exhaustion. Either way, your spirit is letting you know that it requires rest and introspection. Your subconscious is so intense that it's bleeding into your reality. Pay attention to what your dreams and intuition are telling you, but remember, feelings are feelings, not necessarily the truth.


You've been dealing with one obstacle after another and you're becoming resilient to the challenges. They've opened your heart to so many new perspectives. Continue searching outside of the box this week and accepting spontaneous opportunities to deepen your relationship with yourself and also others. You may be approaching a new normal and a better way of seeing life.


You may be drifting backward in your career, running into the same problems and issues that used to prevent you from moving forward. There may be something you keep doing; something that keeps producing these same results. All you need to do this week is try to figure out what that is. The root of it is most likely fear, but first, you need to admit what you're afraid of.


Although your relationships may be stretched thin by factors outside of your control, you have so much power over the love and loyalty in your life this week. Make sure you communicate your needs and your feelings and listen to your partner in return. Honesty and patience has the potential to leave a lasting and beautiful mark on your relationships. Prepare to get a better idea of who's meant to be in your life.