
Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here & Second Chances Are On The Horizon

As of this week, we're coming to a massive conclusion as a collective. Is your perspective shifting into a new direction? Are you seeing clearly after believing in fallacies for so long? On Nov. 24, Neptune — planet of illusions, fantasies, and dreams — stationed direct after a retrograde that has lasted since June 18. Shattering so many cosmic tricks that have skewed your idea of reality, you're now reaching another level of mental maturity, whether you realize it or not. Allow your Nov. 26, 2018, weekly horoscope to help you delve deeper into this next phase of life.

Even though we're still trudging through Mercury retrograde until it comes to an end on Dec. 6, the restless confusion will finally find some footing this week. When Mercury retrogrades back into fixed Scorpio and away from mutable Sagittarius on Dec. 1, your mindset will begin to solidify after a few weeks of indecision. Remember that retrogrades give us the opportunity to redo errors that we've made in the past, inducing us with heavy contemplation of everything that has come and gone. You're ready to make better decisions. You're learning from your mistakes.

Mercury is not the only planet influencing us to zero in on our choices. Venus — planet of love, affection, money, and luxury — is drifting away from airy and lighthearted Libra and diving into deep, emotional, and unyielding Scorpio on Dec. 2. Do you remember this energy? We're essentially experiencing the darkness of Scorpio one more time before the end of 2018. Since Scorpio deals with the furthest depths of our psyche, it's clear that we're being called to lift all the sticky spiritual residue from our lives and invite freshness within. Trust in all the healing that is finally coming to completion.


Now that Venus and Mercury are reentering your eighth house of full circles, as well as endings and beginnings, you're settling on a long-avoided reality. Your intuition is laser-sharp, and secrets won't remain secret for long. Trust your gut feeling. You're letting go of feelings and perspectives that you've officially outgrown. Don't be afraid of the truth.


Can you truly trust those you've put your trust into? Now that Venus and Mercury are returning to your seventh house of partnerships, you're finally making a decision about the way you function in your relationships. You may start drifting away from someone you can no longer rely on. You might also begin getting closer to someone new.


Your bad habits have returned once again, and this time, you're ready to finally do away with them. Your sixth house of health and productivity is being lit up by Venus and Mercury once again, and you're prepared to revamp your work ethic and wellness routine. How can you take better care of yourself? Think wisely on this and make a decision.


You can't ignore your creative blockages for long. In fact, now that Mercury and Venus are rolling back into your fifth house of pleasure and fun, you have to start facing everything that's impeding the joy in your life. Your inner child deserves to be set free. Maturity doesn't leave playfulness behind. It brings it along for the ride, infusing everything.


You can't keep running away from home. If home does not feel like a safe place, it's time to do something to cure your discomfort. Venus and Mercury are returning to your fourth house of values, roots, and family, bringing your attention back to trauma at your core. Work through the kinks at the very bottom. Let go of stale loyalties. You decide what home feels like.


Do you allow your mind to flutter in a million directions at once? Is being scatterbrained derailing your happiness? Settle down and allow Venus and Mercury to rework things in your third house of daily activities and communication. Practice accomplishing one thing at time and making plans in advance. One finished project is better than several unfinished ones.


It's time for you to seriously rethink your relationship with money. Are you looking at money like it's the enemy? Are you resenting money? If so, it's your perspective that's holding you back. Mercury and Venus are reentering your second house of finance and possessions, encouraging you to look at money in a far deeper way. What blessings does money already bring you?


You truly need to stop being so hard on yourself. Continue to believe in your insecurities and you'll fail to see your beauty. Venus and Mercury are returning to your first house of the self, revamping your whole image. Remember that the darkness in your head is often a figment in your imagination. Your energy is far brighter than you realize. Simply let it be.


You're seeing everything from a mind-blowing perspective. A whole picture may be coming together, and it's a great time to take a look at the world beyond yourself. With Venus and Mercury in your 12th house of spirituality and unconscious, you're seeing beyond a dimensional reality and opening your eyes to the metaphysical beyond. Don't look back.


What is your relationship like with your community? Do you feel a sense of belonging? Are you sacrificing your individuality for the sake of the collective? As Venus and Mercury travel through your 11th house of friends, it's time to answer these questions. You have the power to lead others because of your individuality. Trust that the right ones will find you.


It's time for you to stop messing around and truly decide that you're going to work hard to achieve your dreams. Remember why these dreams are your dreams. Where does your passion stem from? Now that Venus and Mercury are in your 10th house of career, you're searching for meaning in your achievements. The only approval you need is your own.


With Venus and Mercury traveling back into your ninth house of adventure and journeys, you're being encouraged to let go of your current stressors and pointless interests and focus on a calling that truly matters. You're hungry for substance and yearning for meaning. Don't let anyone tell you what you should believe in. No one makes that decision but you.