March 2021 horoscope

There's So Much Magic & Enchantment In Your March Horoscope

by Roya Backlund
Originally Published: 
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The energy is bustling and ebullient as March begins. After all, Mars — planet of ambition and courage — enters clever, cerebral, and adaptable Gemini on March 3. This will be a welcome change from the slow and patient energy of Mars in Taurus, as Gemini is a quick-witted zodiac sign that craves variety and indulges on intelligence. Your March 2021 horoscope will have you multitasking like a champ, but make sure you don't spread yourself too thin.

When March commences, the sun will be in spiritual, empathetic, and imaginative Pisces. You'll experience a major boost in artistic thinking around March 10, when the sun joins forces with dreamy and fantastical Neptune in this mutable water sign. This aspect will tap into your desire to escape from reality and connect with something larger than life, so let your imagination take you somewhere beautiful. Just make sure to keep one foot on the ground as you do it.

This enchanting energy will wrap itself around your relationships as well, because affectionate Venus will also form a conjunction with Neptune on March 15. This will intensify the level of compassion in your social life and the level of romance in your love life by immense measures. Prepare for that irresistible type of love that keeps you up all night thinking about your crush. However, you may have a tendency to romanticize your relationship and overlook its flaws, so remember to focus on the facts.

The cosmos switch gears on March 20, when the sun enters passionate, competitive, and motivated Aries. This will liven things up and energize you after a sleepy and daydreamy Pisces season. When Venus enters Aries on March 21, love might start to feel instant and immediate, as Aries is a zodiac sign that falls hard and fast or not at all. However, while the Aries romance rages hot and fierce, it can just as easily burn out if neither partners are willing to work on building the relationship for the long haul.

When it comes to your own career pursuits, however, you're definitely thinking long term. After all, ambitious Mars will form a stabilizing trine with committed Saturn on March 21, which will not only speed you up toward your goals, but it will also give you the support and stamina to see them through all the way to the end. Mars and Saturn have been at odds over the course of the past few months, which definitely slowed things down and inhibited your workflow. Fortunately, this trine indicates that they are finally willing to work together. Own it.

Of course, what would Aries season be without a shakeup? On March 23, you'll get just that when Mercury — planet of communication — squares off with aggressive Mars, which could leave you feeling quick to anger and ready to argue. Think twice before taking action and pause for a moment if your impulses are telling you to do something that may have dramatic consequences. However, if you do start some drama, don't be so hard on yourself. After all, it is Aries season.

Here's your cosmic breakdown for the month of March, based on your sun and/or rising sign:

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This month, you might find yourself feeling raw and vulnerable to your sensitivities. It's as if all the emotions you've been holding back are coming through at once. Give yourself time to heal and honor your heart. After all, you're preparing for a highly energized and productive period. There's nothing wrong with retreating from the world and then coming back whenever you're ready to take on the world like a champ.


You're meeting so many beautiful new people and rediscovering your spiritual connection to your community this month. Let your guard down and immerse yourself with people who have so much to teach you. Getting to know people does not mean sacrificing your authenticity. As the month comes to a close, you'll spend a lot of time understanding your deeper mechanisms and getting to know your spirit. Prepare for startling revelations.


If you've been stressing over how slow things have been moving in your career, that has the power to change this month. Not only are you feeling more competitive, but the world is feeling more receptive to the services you offer. Let yourself shine without fear of shining too brightly. Networking will also come naturally to you, widening your social circle. By the end of the month, you might even be in the process organizing something exciting with your community.


Who knows where you'll end up this month? You're feeling captivated by the desire for adventure; the desire to break free from the monotony of your life and gain experiences that are outside your norm. Don't underestimate the adventures that sit right in front of you. By the end of the month, these adventures may have shown you some mind-blowing things, expanding your awareness while informing your next career move.

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There's no reason to sugarcoat it — the month of March will test your inner strength. You may spend the beginning of it battling your fears and settling your debts so you can finally be free. Embrace the process of transformation and get excited about what you're becoming. Even if it feels bleak at times, trust in the future. By the end of the month, the promise of a new adventure will be gripping your heart, nudging you into the unknown.


Your relationships are receiving so much love this month. You may find yourself craving a relationship where nothing is off limits; where you're willing to do anything for each other and get to know each other completely. This energy is intoxicating, but be careful of giving too much away to someone who might not appreciate it. You'll learn the meaning of boundaries by the end of the month, but don't let that stop you from loving fully.


This month is all about self-care for you. The cosmos are encouraging you to be kind to yourself. Nurture your body and mind while you keep up with your projects by staying productive. However, you're not a robot, and sometimes, you might fall behind. Learn how to forgive yourself and try again. By the end of the month, the cosmos will remind you that you're not alone. You have friends, lovers, and colleagues who are there with you, every step of the way.


The creative energy bursting through you this month is positively to die for. If you're not engaging your inner artist or indulging in the colors and music that surround you, then you're wasting this glorious energy. However, keep your limits in mind, as there are limits to the fun and excitement before you start depleting your health or ignoring responsibilities. By the end of the month, you'll have a better understanding of how to balance work with pleasure.

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This month, you're learning that "home" is a state of mind. Spending time with close loved ones and family while you revamp your home environment will do you so much good. If you're not feeling comfortable in the sacred corner of your universe, the cosmos will remind you. Let your private life be your anchor, because the end of the month has so much excitement in store. If you don't have somewhere solid to start from, you might wind up feeling lost later.


As this month begins, your mind might be racing and moving at lightning speed. Not only are you craving stimulating conversations with intelligent people, but you're also interested in studying new topics and learning more than you ever have. Keep yourself occupied when you're feeling amped up. Otherwise, you might feel aimless and restless. The end of the month will slow down, replacing the electricity with a warmth that will remind you to rest and unwind.


This month will leave you craving luxury. Your five senses will be fully activated, encouraging you to connect with the world through touch, sound, sight, taste, and smell. However, indulging in your surroundings does not have to cost your entire wallet, so keep your financial goals in check. By the end of the month, your social life will begin to speed up and your desire to express yourself will be at the forefront of your mind. Don't be afraid of letting your voice be heard.


Get to know yourself better this month. You may have the tendency to be too hard or critical of yourself, but this Pisces season is reminding you to forgive your faults and love yourself for how unique and multidimensional they make you. When people don't respect your chosen identity, stand up for yourself. By the end of the month, concerns surrounding your self-esteem will come into play, reminding you of the many reasons to honor your self-worth.

This article was originally published on