An Inside Look At Kim K’s Exercise Regimen & The Moves She Does With Her Trainer
If you watched Keeping Up With The Kardashians on Nov. 5, you met someone who Kim has been keeping very close lately — her trainer, Melissa Alcantara. Kim's latest and greatest fitness journey on Snapchat, during which you see her amazing workouts and trainer, has been addicting to follow. Who is Melissa Alcantara? She's basically a total inspiration and I love her.
I've been wondering who the kick*ss woman in Kim's Snapchats had been, and I'm glad they showcased her this season on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Kim was talking with her mother, Kris Jenner, about wanting to improve her overall health and fitness. She found Alcantara on Instagram. As reported by E! News, Kim said,
I was looking on Instagram and this bodybuilder popped up on my page and she had gained 70 pounds in her pregnancy. Her kid's like 6 now. She is like ripped.
She continued,
Melissa is a trainer I found. She's super inspiring to me and I really want to meet up with her and she if she could train me. She could help direct my food and really get me on an amazing path…If I was 10 percent like her it would be life-changing. Like my whole arms and back. It's mostly food. I gotta have this lifestyle. I gotta try.
Not to expose my girl crush, but I think Alcantara is so freaking cool. The basics about her were covered on the episode: She's a mom, rising social media influencer, and bodybuilder.
Digging deeper on her personal website, Alcantara does personal training, specializing in the eight-week body sculptor program, and is a cast member of Beachbody home workout videos Insanity Max 30 by Shaun T. You know, those super fit people who smile during the workout while you're half-dead trying to do a push-up at home? Yeah, she's one of those people.
With the help of Alcantara, it's no wonder Kim is more dedicated than ever to her fitness journey. Even if she changes up her trainer, I like to think Alcantara played her part in motivating Kimmy K.
According to Kim's Snapchat, she does a lot of early morning workouts.
Kim also uses her sisters to keep her motivated in the gym.
In the Snapchat above, Kim hilariously says,
Khloé, you have no idea how much you're motivating me today. You guys, this squat machine is no joke and I like to focus on one thing. So, I look into her eyes and think she's saying to me, "Do it, Kim! You f*cking lazy f*ck, get up! You can do these squats!" So, I'm looking at your butt thinking about my butt wanting to look like your butt. It's so complicated and twisted in this family.
Honestly, Khloé's butt keeps me motivated, too. I wish I could picture her yelling at me to get up, but sadly I don't know her IRL. Kim is always switching it up at the gym, which probably helps to not get bored.
During KUWTK, Alcantara explained to Kim that she liked doing a plethora of different exercises. She said, "It's a mix. I like low-intensity interval training. I have high intensity and then weight training."
Later in the episode, Kim and Alcantara are doing a workout together. It looked hard AF and included tons of squats, lunges, and weights. Kim took a breather and said, "I know I could get abs — I've never been pushed to get them, but I know I could."
Alcantara quickly got her back to work, proving that she'll definitely push Kim. I'm sure we'll see a lot more of Kim's fitness journey throughout the season. As of now, I'm feeling motivated as hell.
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