If Your SO Is A Blanket Hog, These 10 Relatable Thoughts Run Through Your Mind
You love your partner — you really do — but there's one hurdle you've yet to overcome in your relationship. That is the issue of blankets. When your SO is a blanket hog, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Your night starts off on the right foot. You're both sharing an equal amount of the blanket, and even, perhaps, cuddling super close. You drift off to sleep, and everything seems OK.
The next thing you know, you're cold AF. The temperature drop wakes you up, and that's when you find that not only do you not have a blanket on anymore, but bae has every single cover on the bed. The struggle is too real in that moment. There are so many things you want to say and do, but you're honestly at a loss.
The obvious reaction is to just pull back the blanket and hope for your fair share, but you know it's just going to happen again. You and your partner have yet to figure out a solution to the blanket controversy. It's a work in progress, but until it gets fixed, these 12 thoughts pop into your head every single time you find your portion of the blanket go MIA.
01"What if I just pull it back real quick?"
You don't really want to wake up your partner, so you try to theorize the best way to pull back your half of the covers. You think maybe it's like those table cover tricks where if you pull fast enough, nothing will be disturbed. Unfortunately, it's always an epic fail.
02"I'm going to yell at them in the morning."
You want to be mad at them for being a blanket hog. You promise yourself that you will bring this up in the morning, and have a serious talk. However, you always forget, or they're just being too darn cute when they sleep that all is quickly forgiven.
03"We should just have two blankets."
The easiest solution might be to get two blankets. Of course, you want the softest one. Though, there's always the fear that even with two, you might end up with zero in the morning.
04"I'm going to use this as blackmail."
Even though it sucks in the moment, you can always use the blanket takeover as blackmail later on. It's definitely not a solution, but you know your partner will cave into going to your fave breakfast spot when you tell them they hogged all of the blankets the night before.
05"I don't want to disturb them because they look too cute."
You could always just wake up your bae and ask them to give you your side of the blanket back. The only problem is how adorable and cozy they look when they're sleeping. They're all wrapped up like a burrito, and you don't want to be that person who messes with the cuteness.
06"Ugh, not again!"
This happens so often that it's become routine. Your first thought is always, "Not again!" You shouldn't be that surprised, but you always are.
07"Should I just sleep on the couch?"
You could always just go sleep on the couch. That could temporarily be a fix, but you also don't want to give up the cozy bed. It should be the blanket hog who is banished to the couch, right?
08"I'm so cold."
Without a blanket, you're freezing. Your toes are the first ones to feel the chill. If you can't have blankets, you could always just cuddle closer to bae.
09"Is there another blanket somewhere?"
If you're at your place, you know where the spare blankets are. However, if you're at your SO's place, you might be completely clueless on where an emergency blanket is, or they may not even have an extra one. You could look around for another blanket, or even improvise with a towel or pillow.
10"How are you so strong in your sleep?"
When all else fails, you try pulling back your side of the blanket. That's when you feel a force pulling back. Seriously, how can someone be that strong when they're asleep? Now it just feels like a prank.
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