Ariana Grande May Have Just Revealed The Exact Day Her 'Thank U, Next' Album Drops
Ariana Grande is already ready to release her new album. This is not a drill. The follow-up to Sweetener might be closer than we all thought it would be. Grande did one of her impromptu Twitter Q&As with fans on Jan. 21, and during the Q&A she revealed some details about her second album in six months. So when will Ariana Grande's Thank U, Next album come out? According to the big hints Grande dropped on Twitter, it'll be in just a matter of weeks. Weeks. That's it!!
"Talk to us about the tour and the album baby please we love n miss u," a fan tweeted at Grande on Jan. 21.
Grande took the bait and tweeted back, "ok I love u hello what would u like to know." And thus began yet another Ariana Grande Twitter Q&A with her fans that her management probably wishes she wouldn't do.
Her tweets revealed a lot, not the least of which being that "7 Rings," which dropped on Friday, Jan. 18, is the last single that will be released before the album drops. We're already that far in this process, fam. In case you missed it or already forgot somehow (do you even stan?!), Grande dropped her first No. 1 single "Thank U, Next" in November 2018, and then "Imagine" in December 2018. "7 Rings" — a certified bop if I ever did hear one — dropped just a few weeks later.
And now, Grande has pretty much confirmed that the Thank U, Next album will come out in February. NBD.
One tweet in particular sort of confirmed this news.
Grande tweeted that people can expect to see the cover art for the album and the tracklist this coming Friday, Jan. 25, and that's also when fans can pre-order the album.
In response to that tweet, a fan said, "Hopefully it releases feb so its the best birthday gift."
Grande tweeted back, "hbd," basically saying, "yup, the album is coming out in February." Get. Excited.
Not only did she reveal the album is coming out in February, but she also might have confirmed that the actual album release date is Feb. 8.
Replying to Grande's "hbd" tweet, a fan asked, "is it feb the 8th !!!!!!!! that's my 21st sis."
Grande tweeted back, "how convenient" with a Spock hand emoji. That's a hella vague tweet. It could mean the album is releasing around that date or on that date. Feb. 8th is a Friday, however, and musicians almost always drop albums on Fridays. So maybe Feb. 8th is the album release date.
Fans, naturally, are now freaking out over the possibility of this album dropping in basically two weeks, and also very close to Valentine's Day.
"Dropping the album before Valentine's Day, you gon get everybody PREGNANT," one fan tweeted.
"Oh quite the opposite," Grande shot back. I mean, yeah. Has that fan heard "Thank U, Next?" It's all about being single and loving it. So, no, not getting pregnant anytime soon.
Going much more with the theme, one fan tweeted, "SKSKSK UR GONNA MAKE EVERYONE SINGLE."
Grande epically responded, "happy valentine's day."
I love this woman so much.
She closed off the Q&A with a tweet that read, "two albums in six months huh. that's deep. love u. talk sooon."
We are not ready for this album, y'all. "Thank U, Next" and "7 Rings" have me inspired to stay single for the rest of my damn life enough as it is. I don't know what will happen to me if the entire album is like those two bops. WE GON' SEE.