This photo of a smiling black Lab from a shelter will make your week.

You Have To See Why This Adorable Pup Is Going Viral Because Of His Smile

If you're ready for your daily dose of cuteness, it doesn't get much sweeter than this photo of a smiling black Lab from a Louisiana shelter. The adorable pup went viral, thanks to the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana's posts showcasing his infectious grin. Folks, meet Burreaux, the cute doggo who wins the Best Smile award.

On Saturday, Feb. 22, Burreaux's shelter family at the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana (HSNWLA) posted a video and some some photos of the dog's facial expressions on Facebook. The shelter captioned the video, "Burreaux begging for attention. Oh and this smiler still needs a home. More information and an adoption application on" Apparently, Burreaux's smile first caught the attention of the shelter's volunteer, Sarah Walton. The Dodo got the scoop from Walton, who said she named Burreaux and his siblings after Louisiana State University's quarterback, Joe Burrow, and coach, Ed Orgeron, of the LSU football team.

The director of HSNWLA, Courtney Wingate, first picked up Burreaux and two other Lab pups from the local animal control. Walton was the one who noticed Burreaux's affinity for smiling. The pictures and video demonstrate the Labrador pup's sweet expression. "It’s whenever you’re talking real sweet to him … he gets this smile like he wants something,” Walton said. “[It’s] like he’s telling you, ‘Come pet me, come love me.’”

While someone adopted Burreaux's brother Joe after the shelter posted a video of his talent for fetch, Walton and Wingate wanted to figure out what special talent would help Burreaux find a new home. “And we were thinking, ‘Burreaux wants a home so bad that he’s always smiling, trying to cute it up,’” said Walton.

She continued, “So we took that video and now it’s going viral.” The video is proof of Burreaux's adorable need to smile whenever someone sweet talks to him or says he's a good boy.

On Sunday, March 1, the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana confirmed a list of adoptions in February, including little Burreaux. The captioned read, "We are LEAPING from February to March with 39 adoptions!!!" HSNWLA says it adopted out so many pups thanks to going viral, but clearly, Burreaux found his forever home thanks to that charming, loving smile. While his brother Joe was also adopted, Burreaux's sister, O, is still available and listed on the HSNWLA website.

All hail Burreaux, the star of smiling doggos.