If You & Your Mom Are Bored Of Brunch, Try This Adorable Mother's Day Yoga Sequence
Mother's Day is right around the corner, people, which means spending all of the quality time with your favorite human in the world. And while grabbing brunch with your mama is an awesome way to bond, let's be real: You two have done that for, like, the past three years now, and it's about time you change things up a bit. Variety is the spice of life, after all, so trying out a Mother's Day yoga sequence with your mom this year might be just the type of TLC you both need for the most beautiful and memorable day spent together.
I'm going to be real with you guys: Mother’s Day legit gets me so stressed out, because my mom deserves everything, and I have about one quarter to my name — and it’s a quarter that she gave me. You feel me?
It's OK, though, because as a yoga teacher, I now know that an incredible flow can be the most blissful form of stress relief for busy moms who truly do it all. Practicing some fun yoga poses with your mom is an awesome, unique way to bond, build trust, improve your communication, and overall, just have a really good time with each other this Mother's Day.
Whether your favorite lady is related to you by blood, or she's simply a mama figure you've always looked up to, try this playful, yet utterly calming partner yoga sequence with her this Sunday, to show your role model how much you appreciate and value all that she does.
Sun Salutation A
Face your mats toward each other, and acknowledge the positive energy emanating from both of your presences as you look at one another and set an intention for your Mother's Day practice.
Start your sequence with some sun salutations to warm up both of your bodies for the fun partner poses ahead. Tune into your breath, and use deep inhales and long exhales to sync your breathing patterns with one another.
Partner Plank
After about three rounds of sun salutations, come into a plank pose, and prepare to fire up your core with some focused, fun, high-fiving action. Yes, really, guys.
It's totally OK if you miss each other's hands, or even mess up and low-key face-plant onto the floor. Don't take these poses with your mama too seriously; just savor the quality one-on-one time you're getting with her.
Buddy Boat Pose
Guide your bodies into another core-centered pose as you lift your legs into a buddy boat pose.
This one might take a couple of times to nail, but once you do, the two of you will feel totally unstoppable together.
Supported Tree Pose
Once you've played around with buddy boat pose and had your share of core-centered partner action, come to stand at the top of your yoga mats for some balancing postures.
Practicing tree pose with another person is all about support and love, so hold your mom's hand tight, and enjoy the connection brought about by this nature-inspired pose.
Mom And Daughter Dancer's Pose
Balancing in dancer's pose might be a little challenging if you're a beginner yogi, but with the support of your mamacita holding you up, you'll be able to achieve this bad boy as effortlessly as possible.
After all, your mom's been there for you for literally your whole life; you can trust her to help hold you up now, just as she trusts you to do the same.
Seated Spinal Twist
After your standing sequence, come back to the floor on your mats, and line yourselves up back-to-back, preparing for a seated spinal twist.
This asana should feel amazing for both of your lower backs. Notice the connection between the two of you as focus on your breathing and gently revolve your bodies into this partner pose.
Butterfly Heart-Opener
Communication is key in this heart-opening asana, because you want to make sure the weight you're placing on the other person when you lean back onto them isn't too much for them to handle.
Be sure to check in with each other as you find your way into this pose, and remember, when done correctly and mindfully, this will feel great for both of you.
Wide Legged Assist
As your Mother's Day yoga sequence comes to an end, stretch your bodies out with a luxurious, rejuvenating, wide-legged assist. Try to maintain a flat back as you fold forward, so there won't be any strain on either of your lower backs.
Remember not only to breathe, but to smile, too! There's nothing better than spending quality time with your favorite lady.
Seated Meditation
Conclude your practice with a relaxing, blissful, mother-daughter meditation. You can sit with your backs to one another again, to feel the consistency and buoyancy of both of your breathing patterns, or you can face each other and hold hands for a different kind of physical and spiritual connection.
After you're all done, you'll both be glad you tried something different this Mother's Days — and hey, if you guys are hungry after this sequence, maybe brunch isn't such a bad idea.