A Giant Unicorn Sprinkler Exists & It Will Make Your Summer Extra Magical
Making your summer as magical as it can be is your top priority. You've likely watched your favorite rom-coms where a couple falls deeply in love while splashing around the beach, or ordered a printed, high-cut bathing suit in preparation. That's a good start, next to purchasing a fire pit, portable grill, and this giant unicorn sprinkler for the upcoming backyard hangs.
Standing at six and a half feet tall, this sprinkler is ready for a day in the sun with your siblings, roommates, or significant other, and will live up to your wildest and most fantasy-driven dreams. If you've ever pictured yourself befriending one of these majestic creatures and then riding off into the sunshine with it, this "attraction" will likely be the closest you'll ever get. You can set it up near your pool so you can continuously stay cooled down on a particularly hot day, or in your driveway where your pup may chill in the sunbeams and patiently wait to play in the hose.
Either way, it'll surely upgrade your summer hangs from average to cool as a cucumber, and make everyone in your group chats a little jealous. If you post a picture of this sprinkler on social media, whether that be in a story on Instagram or wacky video on TikTok, you'll absolutely get some comments like, "OMG, where did you get that?" Here's the scoop, so you can get your hands on this magical piece for your summer hangs. Pass it on to another sunshine and unicorn lover, OK?
First things first: Let's talk about how this giant unicorn sprinkler works. Essentially, it requires you to attach a hose to the belly of the piece, and wait for the water to come out of the horn. To set it up, you'll also need to inflate the item after you unbox it. Before doing so, make sure you're in a large enough space so it doesn't hit your home or get damaged in any way.
Once it's inflated, the sprinkler will stand at six and a half feet tall, which is perfect for barbecues or post-work happy hours at home. You can play with it on the weekends when you have nothing planned or quickly set it up and take it down before your next meetings on Zoom. It can be that easy and fun, and you'll love wiping it down after a sunbeam sesh and daydreaming about the next time you can pull it out and run in the spraying water again. So, how do you purchase it?
You can shop for the Big Mouth Inc. giant unicorn sprinkler at Bed Bath & Beyond. It's priced at $49.99, which is pretty affordable and about the same price as some of your go-to pool toys or backyard amenities. (Not to mention, you'll definitely use it enough to make the money spent feel #worthit.) If you're a BEYOND+ member, then it's discounted to $39.99, as you're rewarded with an extra 20% off. You can use PayPal Credit to pay for the item in installments of $16.66 per month as well, if you don't want to splurge on the sprinkler all at once.
The sunny season is just beginning. There's more than enough time to get this magical piece and enjoy it while chilling in your lovely backyard. Once you receive it, be sure to set it up, take some sweet pics, and have a blast from dusk until dawn. That's the recipe for a fun and exciting summer.