
Twitter Is Not Impressed By Kavanaugh's Angry Testimony About Blasey Ford's Claims

by Daniella Bondar
Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Since Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, three women have come forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct, which he has denied. Elite Daily reached out to representatives of Kavanaugh for comment on all the allegations, but did not hear back. On Thursday, Sept. 27, one of those women, Christine Blasey Ford, shared her story in court, and Kavanaugh had a chance to do the same. But though they were in the same setting, their testimony turned out to be wildly different. These tweets about Brett Kavanaugh's testimony about Ford's claims are a lot, and not just because of the stakes.

After Kavanaugh's nomination, Ford sent a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein on the Senate Judiciary Committee that alleged Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her when the two were high schools students in the 1980s. Kavanaugh has denied Ford's claim, calling her allegation "completely false." Representatives for Kavanaugh did not reply to Elite Daily's request for comment. It was quickly clear from the start of Kavanaugh's testimony that he would not veer from that rhetoric while aiming to clear his name.

While Kavanaugh had released a prepared statement that he intended to read to the committee the night before the hearing, he shook it up on the day of by reading from a new document, which he said he had written the night before. Visibly emotional, Kavanaugh called the allegations against him a "national disgrace" and said that the accusations had ruined his family's lives, referencing his young daughters and lawyer mother.

As Kavanaugh delivered his testimony, Twitter took note of his demeanor. They began to point out how angry he seemed, particularly as compared to the restrained testimony of his accuser, Ford.

While Kavanaugh came out of the gate yelling, Twitter also took note of the moments when he became even more emotional and talked through tears.

While maybe no one expected Kavanaugh to become so emotional, the overall message was still complete denial of the allegations, echoing statements from a recent interview. On Monday, Sept. 24, Kavanaugh sat down with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum, and things got personal. At one point in the interview, Kavanaugh said that there's no way he could have sexually assaulted anyone because he wasn't sexually active "or anything close to" it in high school or "for many years thereafter." Kavanaugh said,

We’re talking about an allegation of sexual assault. I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone. I did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter. And the girls from the schools I went to and I were friends.

In other words, as MacCallum quickly cleared up, he was a virgin. Kavanaugh brought up the same point during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee on Thursday.

While Kavanaugh's testimony might have been slightly different from his appearance on Fox News, the overall message was unsurprisingly the same: he never committed any sexual misconduct. Histrionics, though? That may be another story.