These Sexy Matching Pajama Sets Are The Best Way To Treat Yourself
They say you never forget your first time. I'm talking about my first time buying a sexy matching pajama set, of course. I was cramming for finals in college while battling the kind of cold that stuffs up your nose, ears, and possibly your entire brain. My leggings and sweatshirt — now on their third day of wear in 14-degree weather — were beginning to mold to my actual skin. AEPi was allegedly serenading tired studiers on the fourth floor, but I was too exhausted and unattractive to go take a peek. So when I stumbled down the rabbit hole of H&M sleepwear and saw that matching PJ sets were on sale, I clicked "purchase" and forked over my credit card information without hesitation. I felt stressed and ugly; swathing myself in $30 worth of faux satin would, theoretically, make my life right again.
I had no idea just how right I was. The pajamas showed up at my dorm a few days later, right before Christmas break: a button-down and drawstring shorts in a black silky fabric with white polka dots and white piping. Reader, I put them on and have basically not taken them off since, except in the store dressing rooms, when I try on other pajamas.
Up until that point, I wore big t-shirts or sweats to bed. Honestly, that's fine. Functional. Whatever. But fancy PJs! Dude! That is where it's at. I'm a convert now.
It's like if you spend your entire life eating Kraft Mac & Cheese, and then one day, a gourmet chef moves into your house and offers to make you pasta tenderly smothered in organic black truffle cheddar bread crumbs, free of charge, whenever you want. You know? It's just a step up. A real game-changer.
I mean, you could live this life.
Or you could live this life — don't you want to?
When you're wearing cute matching pajamas, you look like you have your sh*t together. You look classy and chic, polished and intentional. Not like you grabbed the first free t-shirt out of the bin at the student center during Welcome Week. And there's something sexy about that. You're a grown woman who knows how to run her life — and yes, that includes purchasing matching sets, wearing the top and bottom at the same time, and not losing either half.
It doesn't matter if it's finals week, or if your nasal cavity is permanently closed for business. Fancy pajamas are a true treat and you won't regret purchasing them. Instead of forcing you all to take my word for it, I give you the gospel of another Matching Pajama Set Convert:
Normally when my boyfriend sleeps over, I wear an old college t-shirt with whatever PJ pants I can find in my closet. But once I wore a matching grey Victoria’s Secret PJ set and my boyfriend thought I looked so cute. It really wasn’t anything special, but I think the matching element made it look like I put more effort into looking good for him than I did in that moment.
— Alexia, 24
Take it from Alexia. Take it from me. Say it with us, friends.
Time to get shopping? Yeah, I thought so. I got started for you.
This Flannel Hoodie Set
Made by the MVP of sexy matching PJs, Victoria's Secret.
This Straight-Up Sultry Option
A matching set with a side of tasteful under-boob.
This Sporty Combo
Add sneaks and you can wear this out of the house.
This Glam Set You Know Rihanna Probably Already Owns
Optional accessory: a wine glass to go.
This Classic Striped Version
Equal parts preppy and sweet.
This Instagram-Friendly Set
If you put this on and don't immediately feel compelled to take 100 selfies, I don't understand you.
This Cozy Sweater & Joggers Combo
Modest enough that you won't feel weird wearing it around the house with your family.
This Silky Set
Look like a snack for the literal price of a snack.
And if all this doesn't convince you, just remember this: those photos under the tree? Yeah, they'll look way cuter when your PJs actually match.
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