These photos of National Puppy Day 2020 celebrations are an adorable tribute.

These Adorable National Puppy Day Photos Will Brighten Any Ruff Day


With National Puppy Day falling on Monday, March 23, people are heading to Twitter to highlight the fur babies who make them smile. Unsurprisingly, the tweets feature adorable pictures of the goodest boys and girls. These photos of National Puppy Day 2020 celebrations are a welcome way to brighten up your feed during these trying times.

As a bit of backstory, the holiday was officially founded in 2006 by author and animal advocate Colleen Paige, who originally established the date to draw attention to the importance of adopting dogs. While it's still a sweet yearly reminder to adopt, not shop, and find foster parents for pups currently living in shelters, March 23 has also become the perfect excuse for fur parents around the country to celebrate all the good doggos and the joy they bring to their lives.

Pup owners seemed especially grateful for their four-legged companions and new coworkers as they rang in the holiday this year. Hundreds of Twitter users took to the social media platform to gift each other a much-needed break from coronavirus coverage in the form of pup appreciation posts — and it's safe to say these photos will put a huge smile on your face, too.

Dog appreciation posts aside, National Puppy Day is a good reminder that dogs in shelters need foster homes now more than ever. With many shelters' operations reduced due to limited staff and a lower number of adoptions, these animals are in need of people to adopt them or temporarily provide foster homes for them.

If you're struggling with boredom or loneliness while social distancing and working from home, it's definitely something to consider doing, even temporarily. In the meantime, head to Twitter and brighten your Monday with all the cute pup photos on offer.

If you think you're showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you're anxious about the virus's spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all Elite Daily's coverage of coronavirus here.