If You're Any Of These 3 Signs, You'll Have The Best Luck On St. Patrick's Day
Grab your green and get ready to test your luck, stargazers. March 17 is around the corner, and if you look to the stars, these three zodiac signs will have the luckiest St. Patrick's Day 2020 — Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn — and they don't need a four-leaf clover either.
Your St. Patrick's Day festivities could really go either way this year, especially with the moon transiting through structured Capricorn while trining Venus. Relationships will be a big theme during this time. The good news is, Mercury will be direct; the bad news is, it will be back in Neptune-ruled Pisces. Unfortunately, Mercury doesn’t feel very confident while treading through these mutable waters, but as always, there’s no such thing as coincidence. Go with the flow.
On a brighter note, this gorgeous trine between the moon and Venus brings a light-hearted mood with a desire for stability.
I have to remind you, Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, ambiguity, and the universal realm, which is why Pisces is prone to escapism. In other words, take it easy on the drinking.
Taurus: You’re Flaunting Your Green, In Every Way
You’re always in the mood to celebrate, Taurus. Although, you typically prefer to do things your way, given your Venusian delights and sensual pleasures. You're an expert when it comes to having a grand old time and you know a thing or two about the royal treatment. Trust me, getting pinched will be the least of your worries this year, especially with the moon working alongside Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto via your lucky ninth house of expansion, opportunities, and travel. In harmony with Venus via your sign, you'll likely be in the mood for a spontaneous getaway or perhaps a sweet staycation.
Virgo: You’re Feeling Flirty And Spontaneous
When was the last time you had a little fun, Virgo? Things have been feeling a bit hazy for you as of late, but with your planetary ruler getting back to basics after stationing direct, you're feeling a brand-new vibe. (Just in time for the spring, too.)
St. Patrick's Day should be interesting, and for a number of reasons. First, the moon will be sitting alongside Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn via your expressive fifth house of romance, creativity, and fame, so you'll likely be getting some well-deserved recognition, whether it be romantically or professionally. In delicious harmony with la luna, Venus will bring charm to your risk-taking ninth house of adventures. Be safe, but don't forget to have fun.
Capricorn: You’re Center Of Attention And You Know It
You’re more than welcome to hog the spotlight, Capricorn. It’ll likely be impossible for you to resist, especially with the moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in your sign. Although, let’s stick to the moon, for the time being, considering the rest of these heavenly bodies have been parked in your spot for quite some time now. The moon pulls the tides, and in harmony with Venus via your expressive fifth house of fame, there’s no denying your charisma during this time. Move over, Capricorn’s coming through.
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