
These 3 Zodiac Signs Make The Best Travel Buddies, So Find One Now

by Roya Backlund

Traveling with the wrong person can turn a great trip into a total nightmare. I mean, you spend ages daydreaming of warm beaches, ancient ruins, and meeting hotties in foreign nightclubs. You map out every excursion, save up just enough money to do some shopping, and book a flight with your favorite airline. Then, you make the biggest mistake of going with someone who isn’t on board with your adventurous plans and acts like a complete drag the whole time, ruining everything. Instead of basking in an exotic new land, you wind up counting down the days until you can go home and get them out of your sight. How can you avoid this total disaster? By knowing who you should be traveling with. If you’re into astrology, these zodiac signs are the best travel buddies: Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

Traveling with one of these signs is not only a guarantee that they won’t wreck the whole trip. They’ll enhance it, transforming the trip into an experience beyond your wildest dreams. When someone asks you how your trip went, you’ll have so many wonderful stories to tell that you won’t know where to start. When you look back on your trip, you'll sigh with nostalgia, wishing you could experience it all over again. Most importantly: You'll return home feeling like a brand new person.

Sagittarius: They Were Born To See The World

Recruit a Sagittarius as your travel buddy if you truly want to experience the trip of a lifetime. Wanderlust tugs at their heartstrings. Allowing the wind to move them through beautiful places is how a Sagittarius rolls. You may think you'll know what to expect once you land in your destination but a Sagittarius will take you on spontaneous excursions that you never could have imagined. You'll wind up discovering secret spots not even most locals know about.

With a Sagittarius, you'll feel fully immersed in an almost spiritual journey as you dive in to a new culture. When you return home, you might even feel jarred and confused, like perhaps home isn't your home at all anymore. A piece of your soul might still be stuck in that foreign land you left behind, forever calling your name and begging you to return.

Capricorn: They Plan The Most Amazing Trips

If you decide to travel with a Capricorn, leave it to them to make all the arrangements and set every appointment necessary for a spectacular trip. They study everything there is to know about your destination, essentially making your Capricorn a tour guide who comes at no extra charge. They'll lead you toward all the hottest spots, show you how to get the most bang for your buck, and make sure you leave no stone unturned in this fantastic new place you're exploring.

They'll also take a ton of Instagram-worthy photos of you and collect loads of memorabilia, such as your tickets to the modern art museum and the directions your hotel concierge drew for you on a napkin. They want to make sure they can show the world just how awesome your trip was, whether that's through a glittering social media feed or a page-turning scrapbook. They want to look back on this trip with you for the rest of their days.

Aquarius: They’ll Help You Feel Like A Local

An Aquarius never fails to do things in the most unique way possible and they don't enjoy traveling like a typical tourist. It's highly unlikely you'll catch them with a selfie stick, following tour groups with droves of other tourists who look like their neighbors back home. When an Aquarius travels, they want to blend in with the locals, forget where they've come from, and embrace a whole new way of life. With them, it won't even feel like traveling. It'll feel like living.

With your Aquarius travel buddy, you'll start picking up the language, befriending locals, and flowing easy with the currents of a new culture. The experience will be life-changing and your world view will open up like it never has before.

There are truly so many different ways to live life. Most of us never get the chance to forget the perimeters of their own society and embrace another's. With an Aquarius, you'll have that chance.