
You Might Have Missed This Tiny Detail In Taylor Swift's "Lover" Video

by Michele Mendez

Nope. I am definitely not "calm" right now and that's because Taylor Swift's Lover is officially out. And what do you know? After listening to Lover on repeat since it came out, I've only just realized Swift sneaked in a few last-minute hints about her album in her recently-released video: The board games in Taylor Swift's "Lover" music video were actually clues about her album. Wow, that's just typical Taylor! Even when her album is literally about to release, she just couldn't help but give fans a few more easter eggs to think about. Now that Lover is out in full, let's take a look back at Swift's music video and see what those hints meant.

Swift dropped her music video for the title track on Aug. 22, just one day before she released her new album. The video is romantic AF and just so damn aesthetically pleasing. I mean, that fish bowl scene was everything, and what about the surprise ending? In my opinion, "Lover" is definitely one of Swift's best music videos. Of course, fans paid close attention to every detail because this is a Taylor Swift music video, after all, so nothing is a coincidence.

About a minute into the video, fans saw quick shots of a couple of board games. Since the games looked Lover-themed, fans thought the games' titles could give possible clues about Swift's new album. The album obviously wasn't out yet, so fans didn't know what exactly they could be hinting at.

But that's all in the past now that the album is here and fans, including myself, have been listening to it non-stop and analyzing each and every lyric. So, what did the board games represent? Lyrics, duh!

Let's start with the board game that says, "Devils Roll The Dice, Angels Roll Their Eyes." Those lyrics are from Swift's song, "Cruel Summer." Before the chorus kicks in, Swift sings, "Killing me slow, out the window/ I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below/ Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes/ What doesn't kill me makes me want you more."

Wow, TBH I'm blown away. And guess what? You know the board game that reads, "Breakable Heaven?" Well, in the chorus for "Cruel Summer," Swift sings, "It's cool, that's what I tell 'em/ No rules, unbreakable heaven," which means two of the games hinted at just one song.

As for "King Of Hearts," Swift doesn't actually sing the line in any of her new songs on Lover, but fans think it could be a nod to her song, "King of My Heart," from Reputation.

Fans also think the phrase could be a shoutout to Swift's"Lover" co-star Christian Owens, who danced with Swift during her "King of My Heart" performances on her Reputation tour.

Since the words "After" and "Glow" are on the "King of Hearts" board, fans believe it could also mean that "Afterglow," from Lover, and "King of My Heart," from Reputation, could be related.

Honestly, there could be so many more reasons why Swift would hide the phrase "King of Hearts" in her "Lover" music video. If I went through every theory, you would be reading forever, so for now, let's just enjoy Lover because there are 18 songs on there to learn and memorize and sing until the end of time... or at least until Swift's next album drops.