The Hunter Moon May Be More Intense Than Your Average Full Moon
The full moon may be many things, but easy is rarely one of them. In astrology, the moon rules over the subconscious inner world; the place where you're barely keeping your emotions together. When the moon reaches its most potent phase of the lunar cycle, your feelings are magnified in a powerful and often overwhelming way. The 2019 Hunter Moon is no different — in fact, it may be way more intense than your average full moon.
Just the name of the Hunter Moon shows that this full moon means business. According to the Farmers' Almanac, the October full moon historically signaled the call to hunt for wild game and prepare for the long winter. Your ancestors knew when the Hunter Moon rose, there was no time to waste. If you were to survive, you had to sharpen your knives and refuse to give up. The astrological analysis of the Hunter Moon further reflects this need to step up to the plate and bravely go the distance. Taking place in ruthless, warrior, and courageous Aries, the Hunter Moon will instill within you the desire to fight for what you want. Even if it hurts or it requires you to give up your comforts, you know reaching your goals will make it all worthwhile.
Whatever happens on the 2019 Hunter Moon is intrinsically connected to where you were exactly six months ago, when the new moon in Aries darkened the night sky enough for you to begin another chapter. The intentions you set back then and the decisions you made have expanded and grown. Now, it's time to reap what you sow.
The 2019 Hunter Moon Takes Place On Oct. 13 At 5:08 p.m. ET
If you were hoping to fly under the radar, keep your head low, and get through the 2019 Hunter Moon unscathed, think again. This full moon forms a trine to expansive and insatiable Jupiter. Whatever Jupiter embraces inevitably becomes bigger, and since the full moon is inherently an emotional time, you can expect your feelings to feel major. Trying to repress your heart will only lead to a breakdown later, so find an outlet for the intense emotions you may be experiencing.
Chances are, you may be feeling very thoughtful about where you are in life and how close you are to achieving your goals. Forming a square to both disciplinary Saturn and transformative Pluto, there's a sense you can no longer afford to keep your unhealthy patterns and negative habits. However, with all this weight on your shoulders, you can't change these things overnight, despite how impatient you may feel. Instead of feeding into the compulsion to self-destruct, be patient and kind with yourself. Simply acknowledging your shortcomings and recognizing the need to grow is more than enough for now.
Truths often reveal themselves on a full moon, making it a time rife with relationship challenges and complexities. But with partnership-oriented Venus forming a square to rebellious Uranus, this uncertainty takes on a whole new meaning during the 2019 Hunter Moon. Uranus wants to be free, reject societal norms, and break the rules, while Venus wants to feel loved, beautiful, and pleased. When these planets oppose each other, anything could happen, so stay tuned. You may find your relationship is not as stable as it seemed, and you might even realize it's draining you of your independence. Before you make any drastic decisions, let the Hunter Moon come to a close. Impulses will be easily triggered, and not all of them will give you the results you desire.
If I were to give you any advice for the upcoming Hunter Moon, it would be this: Think twice before you take action, and don't expect to build an empire overnight. In the meantime, honor your feelings and trust that everything will make sense soon.
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