
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best September Because Things Are Falling Into Place

by Roya Backlund

The best type of reward is the one that arrives after you've worked painstakingly hard for it. I mean, if you were rewarded for doing absolutely nothing, would it even truly matter to you? This is why September, in and of itself, is a reward. It's the month where the many retrogrades and the many eclipses that we've been experiencing all summer will finally begin to fade away, opening up the channels once again. If you've been feeling stagnant or inhibited, prepare to experience all the clarity you've been hoping for, and September 2018 will be the best month for these zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Libra. If your rising sign happens to be any of the following, you'll be doubly impacted by the positive vibes.

Aside from the fact that Mars and Mercury are now out of retrograde, with Saturn ending its retrograde on Sep. 6 and Pluto moving direct on Sep. 30, this month is filled with organizational power of its own. Prepare for the emotional and overly-expressive haze of Leo season to dissipate now that the sun has entered cleansing and detail-oriented Virgo. All the foggy edges are being brought into focus and any tangled web of feelings will soon find order. It's time to be brought down to earth, where you can once again make sense of everything.

Taurus: You're An Artist And Your Medium Is "Life"

Are you feeling more creative than usual? Are you seeing the poetry in everything? Do the colors appear more vivid than usual? That's because the harmonious earth-sign-friendly Virgo sun has entered your fifth house of pleasure and fun, endowing you with artistic gifts, a penchant for entertainment, and a playfully sexual attitude. And that's not all, because Mercury — planet of communication and cognitive function — has also entered your fifth house, fully connecting you with your imaginative talents and perspectives.

This is a perfect month to make lively plans, to remain spontaneous to any exciting opportunities that come your way, and generally speaking, to simply remain open-minded to all the various definitions of "fun." This month, you're an artist, and your medium is whatever you choose it to be.

Virgo: It's Time To Feel More Confident Than Ever

September is the month of your solar return, so enjoy the sun's yearly visit to your chart. This is when you absorb all the confidence and vigor straight from the source, motivating you to become a better person than you've ever been. You're looking back on everything you've been through, on how far you've come, and you have every reason to feel proud of your journey so far.

This is also a time to plan for the future ahead, to review everything that you've been doing and make changes for the better. All in all, this is no time to underestimate how much power you truly have and there is no time to think small. Your potential is far and wide. You have an unbelievably intelligent and logical mind that can learn at a rapid rate and decipher any puzzle that the world brings you. You have the capacity to become whoever you want to be, and your solar return is when you need to remember that.

Libra: You've Got All The Luck In The World On Your Side

You're spending the first half of the month preparing for your solar return with the sun in your 12th house of spirituality, making September a deeply contemplative and imaginative month for you. At the same time, Venus, your ruling planet, will be in Libra, making you magnetic to positive vibes, romance, love, and friendship. Absorb all the goodness that you can, because when the sun enters Libra, a period of power and confidence will begin.

In the meantime, enjoy everything about the person you are. Explore the world with your aesthetically-inclined and harmonious perspective. Find inner-peace through meditative and solitary activities to recharge your bright and luminous soul. Right now, everyone in the world wants to know you.