Your September Horoscope Is Here To Help You Rise From The Ashes
If you're reading this, then you've survived an intensely tumultuous eclipse season, as well as the retrogrades of both Mars and Mercury. There's no way to deny how dramatic and stressful the past couple of months have been, and September could not have possibly come any sooner. Even if you're still struggling to find your footing after so many transformational challenges, your September 2018 horoscope contains the light at the end of the tunnel that you've been waiting for. Are you ready to become a much better person? Are you prepared to let go of the past and move forward? September's got your back.
The cosmos always have a plan, and the fact that clarifying, organizing, and detail-oriented Virgo season arrives right after so much astrological mayhem proves it. September is the time to find meaning and direction after the wreckage. It's time to reevaluate the way you're living your life and take the necessary steps to correct it. Nothing escapes Virgo's detective eye, and this mutable earth sign is here to help you close the case on the source of your mental and spiritual blockages, then clear them all away. And when Libra season takes the reigns on Sept. 22, this Venus-ruled air sign will help you find the beauty in any mess that remains.
September is also here to lessen the load on all the retrograde baggage. At the thickest parts of our Summer of Cosmic Chaos 2018, there were up to seven different planets in retrograde at the same time. Fortunately, Saturn will end its boot camp of a retrograde on Sept. 6, while Pluto will finally begin moving direct in its dark and lonely orbit on Sept. 30. Count your lucky stars all you Capricorns and Scorpios. This means that your life is about to become so much easier.
And, of course, what would September be without a uniquely powerful lunar cycle of its own? The new moon in Virgo on Sept. 9 will assist you in coming up with tangible and concrete plans, helping you map out a step-by-step strategy for success. And, to reveal the some of the results of your hard-work is an electrifying and high-vibe full moon in Aries on Sept. 24. Although this full moon will receive inhibiting influence from Saturn — contradicting the impulsive and unstoppable nature of Aries — and somber connections with wounded Chiron, the revelations you'll experience will be deep, soulful, and ultimately, majorly significant to your journey at this time.
This majority of this month will be an incredibly productive time for you, especially with Mars, your ruling planet, finally moving direct in its orbit once again. With the Virgo sun showering your sixth house of health and work with its organizational power, this is a perfect time to accomplish all the tasks you've been procrastinating on and come up with a to-do list that you'll stick by. Define your world one step at a time instead of rushing through everything.
However, this month also contains your very own full moon. Since it's receiving complex energy from Saturn (planet of karma) and Chiron (planet of vulnerability and fear), this lunation is bound to rock your world, allowing trauma from your past to resurface. Whatever difficult emotions come to light are here to guide you through a period of healing that you've long been avoiding, so trust your intuition and forgive yourself, because healing is a messy process.
With the Virgo sun electrifying your fifth house of fun and pleasure, September will be a month of creative expression, enjoying the flavor of life, saying "yes" to exciting opportunities, and not regretting any of it. When the sun is in your fifth house, it widens your potential to experience unlimited bouts of joy. It also allows your mind to think more artistically and creatively, so make sure you put this genius to good use.
However, let's not forget that Uranus — planet of erratic change, rebellion, and revolution — is still spiraling through its retrograde in Taurus, making you the central target of its transformative confusion. This can entail unexpected moments, random decisions, and the need to defy authority. Since the full moon squares in on your 12th house of spirituality, the changes that take place here have the power to sink deep into your unconscious, shifting your perspective completely.
Mercury retrograde and its shadow period are both long gone, and since this is your ruling planet, its renewed flawlessness means the world to you. Spending the majority of the month in your fourth house of family and the home, along with the sun, this month is about returning to your roots and catering to your personal world. This is the time to remove yourself from uncomfortable situations and tend to your sacred space.
However, when the full Aries moon calls attention to your 11th house of friends and community, you may feel pulled away from your sacred space and forced to deal with unknown territories and social situations. Perhaps your circle of friends is no longer working for your newfound self. Maybe you'll feel attracted to a new community of people. Pay attention to what people are telling you about themselves. Should you trust them? Should you spend time with them?
With the analytical and logical Virgo sun shining a spotlight on your third house of communication, this month is about detangling your thoughts and expressing yourself clearly. This is when you should use that poetic voice of yours. It's when you should write down every brilliant idea that crosses your mind. Is there someone you need to speak to? Are there things you've been dying to say? September is the time.
Since the moon is your ruling planet, you may still be reeling from the effects of the longest total eclipse of the century, especially since it lit a fire in your eighth house of rebirth and reincarnation. This month, a full moon in Aries will glow in your 10th house of career, showing you that the process of your rebirth involves taking a closer look at your efforts so far. Are you working towards your dreams? Are you being courageous enough? Ask yourself these difficult questions.
I know you're probably devastated that Leo season was dominated by retrogrades and eclipses. However, the difficulty of your solar return only reflects the growth that you'll experience in the year to come. With the Virgo sun motivating your second house of finance and self-worth, September is an ideal month to focus on your income and work harder to surround yourself with the stability and security that you desire. This is the time to build a world of luxury and comfort for yourself.
With a fire-sign-friendly full moon in Aries sparkling in your ninth house of knowledge and philosophy, you'll feel called to address how much culture you're truly absorbing in this life. Are you embarking on enough adventures? Are you learning anything new? This is a moment where you must consider whether you've been lingering in your comfort zone for too long. If so, nows the time to conquer your fears.
When it's Virgo season, it's you who feels fully engaged with your talents and superpowers. The energy in the air is organized, efficient, and detail-oriented, which is exactly how you like it. During your solar return, it's time to revel in everything that makes you awesome and everything that you've accomplished so far. It's also the time to think about breaking the habits that have been holding you back and prepare for an even more fulfilling year.
However, the full moon in Aries is bound to unleash demons and force you to reckon with a part of your life that's no longer working for you. Stirring ripples of change through your eighth house of rebirth, remember that something must at first die in order to be reborn. Allow the strange feelings that this full moon drags out of you to help you rebuild a much brighter future. You can't look forward when there are chains holding you back.
Another beautiful month shines upon you. Venus (your ruling planet) spends the beginning of the month in Libra, and by the end of the month, Mercury and the sun will be in Libra, making this a time where your aura twinkles and shines with attractive energy. So many arenas of life will be working smoothly, and as the Virgo sun lights up your 12th house of spirituality, your imagination will absorb so much good energy from the outer world, strengthening your mentality and realigning all your chakras. Enjoy this while it lasts, because Venus, your ruling planet, enters retrograde next month.
When the full moon in Aries inserts revelation into your seventh house of partnerships (your ruling house), chances are that you'll either be brought closer to someone you love or drift even further apart from someone important to you. However, don't allow your fears to control your decisions, and don't let the past cast a shadow over your relationships in the present. Make sure you're looking at everything with a clear point of view.
Time to exhale all that stress you've been carrying because Mars (your ruling planet) is officially out of retrograde. Can you already sense how much easier everything is? With the clarifying Virgo sun pouring energy into your 11th house of community, you're now able to connect with others in a more productive and healthy way. Time to reorganize your social life and make plans to network with new people. Trust the cosmos, because you won't regret it.
However, don't think you're totally out of the clear just yet. Your modern ruling planet, Pluto, is still in retrograde until Sept. 30, and this month is also about tying up loose ends and conquering your fears. With a full Aries moon in sixth house of health and detox, you will realize all the many ways in which you have not been kind to yourself. Perhaps there are still bad habits you're relying on that need to be broken.
As the logical and analytical Virgo sun reorganizes your 10th house of career and reputation, you're entering a period where your goals are big and they're everything that's on your mind. Ask yourself what is needed from you in order to bring yourself one giant step closer to achieving your dreams. Since Virgo is more than capable of executing plans, move against your instinct to avoid taking on responsibilities and make some major moves.
When a complicated Aries full moon shines a light on your fifth house of pleasure, you'll also ask yourself what you're sacrificing in order to make your dreams happen. Are you truly in love with the path you've chosen? Are you making a point to enjoy the present moment instead of concentrating on the past or future? There is no time to waste. Life is short, and if you're not happy, what's the point of it all?
Thank goodness that Mars retrograde in Capricorn is now over. Now, you're able to fully harness the intense magnitude of energy that comes with Mars being in your first house of the self. With the Virgo sun inserting its power into your ninth house of adventure and philosophy, you'll be expanding your awareness and running for the horizons at the speed of light. Let yourself be guided by wonder and enlightenment, for it's taking you beautiful places.
However, when the fiery full moon in Aries sparks discord in your fourth house of family and core values, you'll be forced to reckon with problems at home that have long been waiting to arise. Are there problems with family members that need mending? Do you feel safe in your home environment? What are you avoiding? I know these are questions no one wants to ask. But eventually, they need answering.
If you're still feeling the effects of that total lunar eclipse in Aquarius, it's no coincidence. That lunation is working its way deep into your life and you'll be feeling the effects for the next six months. As the full Aries moon lights a flame in your third house of communication, you'll be forced to identify and express the revelations and changes that are flowing through your mind. Some of it will be dark. Some of it will be light. However, all of it must be brought to the table.
Luckily, the clarifying Virgo sun is here to help you along with the transformation process. Organizing and cleansing your eighth house of reincarnation, you can bet that you'll be a phoenix rising from the ashes with Virgo's guidance. This zodiac sign is known for its ability to accomplish one task after another, so it's important to look at your healing and your progress in such a way. Feel proud of yourself for doing anything better than you used to. Have pride in your journey.
That full moon in Pisces which rained its cosmic energy all over our world probably set you on a rejuvenating new path. Continue following your intuition, because as the analytical Virgo sun brings you even closer to your heart through your seventh house of partnerships, you're learning who to open yourself up to and who to let go of. Being the sensitive sign that you are, your emotional attachments are something you must remain aware of.
Chiron, planet of fear, insecurity, and most importantly, healing, is moving through retrograde, and this month, it will revert back into the sign of Pisces. This will likely cause certain challenges and issues from your past to resurface, giving you the chance to conquer whatever has been terrifying you. As the full Aries moon opens your second house of finance and security, you'll be forced to overcome whatever has been threatening you, ultimately showing your fears who's boss.