Rachel & Bryan Showed Up On 'The Bachelorette' & Things Got Seriously Messy
Now that fans have made it through the always-awkward first impressions, Becca's season of The Bachelorette is in full swing. It usually takes a little bit of time before Bachelor alums begin showing up, but true to form, Becca is shaking things up this year: Rachel and Bryan show up on The Bachelorette Week 2, but not in the way fans may think. If you were expecting a heart-to-heart between two Bachelorettes, keep dreaming, because Rachel and Bryan's cameo was all about pure fun.
Group dates, I've missed ya. Is there anything better than watching guys in matching clothes — or barely any clothes — compete in some sort of ridiculous game? After some light drama (that Becca quickly resolved with her #NoBS attitude) in Week 1, things really took off in Week 2 with the first group date, a "Grooms' Day" obstacle course. Eight of Becca's 21 remaining Bachelors suited up in tuxedos and competed in various challenges, including dragging a ball and chain, racing to the altar, and crawling through a muddy "get over your exes" course, that tested their ability to be a groom.
Sure, Becca's guys could probably get through this obstacle course on their own, but why not get some help from an engaged couple? Enter: Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo from Season 13 of The Bachelorette. Rachel and Bryan stepped in to instruct the guys about what to do at each stage of the course, and they provided some funny color commentary about Becca's dudes ("What that mouth do!" joked Rachel) and their own upcoming wedding throughout the event. Hey, Rachel and Bryan, if you get tired of being an attorney and a chiropractor, maybe you have a future in sports commentary?
The eight men — Nick, Clay, Lincoln, Jean Blanc, David, Jordan, Connor, Chris — looked very handsome in their tuxedos, but let's be honest, tuxes aren't the easiest outfit to move in, so naturally Becca, Rachel, and Bryan got in a few laughs at the guys' expense. What's not funny about a guy in a tux covered in mud, whipped cream, and cake? If you don't have a good sense of humor, you probably shouldn't be dating this Bachelorette.
Lincoln won the Grooms' Day competition, but his behavior during the rest of the date left many fans a little unsure of whether he deserved the group date rose. After a long night of conversation, Becca awarded Jean Blanc the rose, much to Lincoln's shock.
All in all, the first group date was tons of fun to watch, and it set the tone for what Bachelor Nation (and the guys) should expect in the weeks to come. Becca loves to have a good time, and if any of these guys can't keep up with her, they may as well just quit while they're ahead. Plus, Rachel and Bryan's groom-themed obstacle course made it very clear that any Arie-like dudes should stay away: If you're not ready for a marriage-level commitment, this show isn't right for you. No one ever accused The Bachelorette of being too subtle.
Unfortunately, Rachel and Bryan left after the obstacle course, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll see them again this season. According to Bryan, the couple hasn't done much wedding planning, so maybe they're spending all that extra time hanging with Becca at the Bachelor mansion?
Bryan recently told Extra that they are still very much in the early stages of planning, but they hope to get married by the end of 2018:
We haven't set anything yet. We definitely want to get married this year, and that's the plan. 2018, it's gonna happen. The only thing is the details haven't been worked out. Rachel isn't much of a planner, so she'll kind of deal with it as it comes along, but, as you know, right now, we're just taking our time.
Maybe the couple got some wedding ideas from their hilarious obstacle course? Although, I hope Rachel and Bryan's wedding is a little less muddy.
The Bachelorette airs at 8 p.m. ET Mondays on ABC.