This New Year's Eve Will Be Far From Spectacular For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Even though New Year's Eve is about getting together with loved ones, popping the champagne, and throwing confetti in the air, this holiday can be just as stressful as it is festive. Making sure you have something fun and exciting planned is enough pressure, let alone the pressure of writing (and keeping) all those resolutions. When you hear about what the cosmos have planned for Dec. 31, you'll totally get why New Year's Eve 2019 will be the worst for these zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius. Try not to worry too much, though, because while the last night of the year may not end up as spectacular as you would have hoped, it certainly doesn't spell disaster for 2020.
For one thing, the moon will be in sensitive, emotional, and somewhat delusional Pisces. Prepare for tearful reunions and a case of taking things a little too personally. When the moon is in Pisces, it's a lot harder not to let things get to you, especially if the overall mood of the party depends on it. Because this moon will form a conjunction with disorienting, dreamy, and truth-bending Neptune, the hazy quality of this moon will only be amplified. Try to stay grounded and focus on the facts. If your feelings are getting hurt, trust that you might not be seeing everything clearly. Luckily, this moon will also form a sextile with sturdy and down-to-earth Saturn, which should prevent you from flying off the handle completely.
Regardless, this is an intense time in astrology no matter how you slice it. Karmic Saturn and transformative Pluto are combining forces, a major planetary phenomenon that only happens every 34 years. No one can blame you for feeling the pressure.
Aries: You May Be In An Emotional And Overly Protective Mood
This New Year's Eve may leave you feeling sensitive to your surroundings, as though you're porous to the thoughts and emotions of those who surround you. If you're taking on too much, you may feel the weight of it all. Everything is changing and even if time has gone by, the past may still be haunting you. A little contemplation on NYE may do just the trick. Instead of feeling like you need to feel a certain way, embrace the complexity of whatever it is that you're going though.
Gemini: You Could Be Feeling Preoccupied With The Change
Even though the future seems bright, there's something from your past that may be taking up all your attention. Nostalgia may be getting the best of you and overpowering all the opportunities and excitement you have going for you. Remember that in order for you to embrace a stronger version of yourself, you must sacrifice what no longer has a place in your future. Let go of the past so you can invest in what's yet to come. You have so much to look forward to, so long as you make the decision to look forward.
Sagittarius: You Might Not Be In The Mood To Get Out And Party
There's all this pressure to get out, party, and do something Instagram-worthy. But what if the greatest New Year's Eve lies right at home? Don't put pressure on yourself to make this evening happen a certain way. Listen to your instincts and let your heart guide the way. Instead of doing something over the top and adventurous, you may prefer being surrounded by people you trust completely in a place where you feel entirely safe. If you try too hard to keep up with energy that doesn't match your own, the night might end with you feeling fed up.