Miley Cyrus Just Left The Sweetest Comment On A Picture Of Priyanka Chopra
Why is it so much fun to see famous people interacting with other famous people? Is it because I assume they share intimate, industry secrets us average folk could never understand? Is it because I assume they smell really, really great? Maybe it's the fact they run in carefully curated social circles the same way high school kids do in the lunch cafeteria and that makes me feel like I can relate to them. Whatever it is, I love that Miley Cyrus and Priyanka Chopra are friends IRL — well, at least on Instagram. Miley Cyrus' comment on a photo of Priyanka Chopra is just one tiny sign that these women have forged a connection across the vast landscape of Hollywood, and that's special, you guys.
Here's a fun trivia fact you might have forgotten about. Miley Cyrus actually once dated Nick Jonas who is now happily married to Chopra. In fact, Cyrus loved him so much, she even wrote a song about him. In 2007, when both Cyrus and Jonas were barely considered teenagers, she penned "7 Things" about the new married man. Cyrus sang the lyrics:
The 7 things I hate about you/ You're vain, your games, you're insecure / You love me, you like her / You make me laugh, you make me cry / I don't know which side to buy / Your friends they're jerks / And when you act like them, just know it hurts / I wanna be with the one I know / And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do / You make me love you
Very emotionally profound for a 15-year-old, no?
Today, Cyrus and Jonas both can probably look back on that time in their lives and laugh the way I do when I think about how my butt crack hung out of my low-rise America Eagle jeans in Social Studies class. God bless me.
In fact, Jonas and Cyrus are hanging out again, but this time with their respective spouses. Both Cyrus and Jonas tied the knot in December 2018, with Cyrus saying "I Do" to longtime on-again, off-again, boyfriend Liam Hemsworth and Jonas throwing whirlwind wedding after being with Chopra for a few months. However, all of that wedding planning didn't seem to wear out either couple as they had the chutzpah to attend the Oscars' Vanity Fair afterparty together.
Chopra's makeup artist Pati Dubroff posted a picture of Chopra from that special evening, which warranted a comment from Cyrus. Dubroff shared this stunning closeup:
Cyrus left a sweet little comment that simply said, "Pretty! Love," and she added a blue heart emoji.
Again, it's like watching the popular girls interact at their lockers. Except, in this case, you can't help but like them because they're cool and nice, even though you want to hate them because it seems like they should be entitled and stuck up, and also, who cares if you didn't get asked to get ready with them for Homecoming, ya know?
Sorry, lost myself there.
Anyway, I'm totally down to make Nick, Priyanka, Miley, and Liam the new leading Fab Four in my life. That works.