These Unlucky Signs Will Be Counting The Days Until Mercury Retrograde Is Over
Despite what you may've been led to believe, Mercury retrograde really isn't that bad. In the grand scheme of everything that can happen in astrology, Mercury retrograde is more of a nuisance than something seriously terrifying. Mercury retrograde is annoying the way a fly buzzing around your ear is annoying. It's awkward the way it's awkward to run into your ex while wearing your pink bunny pajamas. These retrograde-related situations are certainly a drag, but are the end of the world? No way. Even though Mercury retrograde winter 2021 will be the worst for these zodiac signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — it's nothing they won't survive.
Beginning on Jan. 30 at 26 degrees and ending on Feb. 20 at 11 degrees, this Mercury retrograde takes place in fixed air sign Aquarius. This is the zodiac sign of philanthropic efforts, teamwork, and rebelling against the status quo. Aquarius is a forward thinker, and when Mercury is in this revolutionary zodiac sign, it drops ideas in your brain that just might spearhead a movement. In Aquarius, Mercury is logical, social, and political. This particular Mercury retrograde will likely cause you to rethink your place in your community and how you participate in causes for good.
However, in a less grand sense, this Mercury retrograde could make you a stubborn and dogmatic thinker. After all, Aquarius is a fixed air sign, which means that they can be "fixed" in their ideas and perspectives. While this zodiac sign so concerned about humanity and others, it can also manifest as total rebellion against and alienation from society.
If you happen to be born under the influence of a fixed sign, this Mercury retrograde might put more pressure on you. Here's why:
Taurus: You Could Feel Unsure About Where Your Career Is Going
During this retrograde, you might feel like no matter how hard you push, the universe is pushing against you. There may be setbacks at work, difficulties while you attempt to go after your goals, and the overall sense that things simply aren't that clear in your career at the moment. However, this is a great time to put the pause button on any major career moves and simply reassess and rethink what your career goals actually are.
Leo: There May Be Drama In Your Relationships And Love Life
If you're in a relationship, you might feel like two ships passing each other in the night. You might even feel like you and your partner are just not seeing eye to eye at the moment as unresolved issues come to the forefront. If you're single, take things slow if you decide to date someone, because things don't feel as permanent when Mercury is retrograde. Spend this time analyzing your relationship patterns and working on solving preexisting problems with loved ones.
Scorpio: Your World May Feel Uncomfortable And Unsafe
This Mercury retrograde could create a crisis at home. You might feel like your house is a mess or you could feel homesick for a different place. During this three-week period, you will be rethinking what "home" means to you and how you relate to your closest kin, which entails both your chosen family and your blood-related family. You may feel emotionally vulnerable during this Mercury retrograde and its message is to create more compassion, security, and coziness in your universe.
Aquarius: You Could Experience An Identity Crisis
You might be feeling the brunt of all this Mercury retrograde energy as it affects every facet of your life. More than anything, this Mercury retrograde will cast a revealing light on your identity and your sense of self. How do you see yourself? Who do you think you are? Who will you become? Try not to make any drastic changes to your appearance or any permanent announcements that you might change your mind about later. This is an introspective period, so look within.
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