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If You're Any Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, March Will Be Really Exciting

by Valerie Mesa

March madness much? The month kicks off with Mercury retrograde moonwalking back into eccentric Aquarius amidst Venus' shift into her sensual sign of rulership, Taurus. The good news is, March 2020 will be the best for three zodiac signs — Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn — so they've definitely got something to look forward to.

Venus entering Taurus will make all the difference in the world, given its essential dignity when transiting through its sign of rulership, not to mention the harmonious connections it will soon make with Saturn-Pluto-South Node in Capricorn. Change-maker Uranus will also be in the mix, so it's going to be a revolution. This "revolution" will revolve around relationships and values, given its Venusian influence.

However, it's important to recognize the element earth, as it will also be very prominent during this time. Earth is a representation of abundance, manifestation, and material wealth; it's the security you feel within yourself and in the physical dimension. There will be a full moon in Virgo on Mar. 9, the same day Mercury stations direct, followed by Mercury's second round through Pisces on Mar. 16. The sun makes its annual shift into Aries during the spring equinox on Mar. 19, which will feel like a sweet energy boost.

More importantly, structured Saturn will enter Aquarius on Mar. 21 for the first time in 27 years, which will provide a powerful prelude of what's to come later in the year when the Lord of Karma officially settles into Aquarius. Saturn will enter Aquarius, but it will then retrograde in May, and re-enter Capricorn on Jul. 1. So it won't get totally situated in Aquarius until Dec. 17.


Aries: You're Celebrating Your Magical Solar Revolution

Happy birthday, Aries. The spring equinox is a liberating time for the collective, not to mention incredibly necessary. Your birthday marks the beginning of a brand-new season; it's the gift of hope, joy, and warmth after a long and harsh winter season. This is an excellent opportunity for you to start again.

If there's something you'd like to start working toward, this month's new moon has your name on it. Venus in Taurus will ignite your pleasure-seeking second house of money, values, and sensual delights, which will put a magnifying glass on your sense of security. A conjunction with Uranus, however, could spark sudden epiphanies and unexpected chaos, so stay tuned.

Taurus: You're Catching A Sweet And Much-Needed Break

Venus, your irresistible planetary ruler and goddess of love, goes home this month, so you're in for quite a treat, Taurus. Although, an electric conjunction between Venus and Uranus could bring the unexpected, especially in regard to your values, relationships, and sense of security. Not to worry — Uranus has been transiting through your sign for quite some time now, so it's nothing you won't be able to get accustomed to eventually. Truth is, that's precisely what Uranus is trying to do here; it's liberating you from the things no longer serving you, and bringing you closer to your higher mind.

Mercury Rx will re-enter your career sector this month, so make sure to double and triple check your work. There's definitely something brewing here for you, but the key is to keep an open mind.

Capricorn: You're Starting To Look On The Bright Side

Can you feel the weight being lifted, Capricorn? Your oh-so-serious planetary ruler, Saturn, is giving you a break this month, as it will be shifting into rebellious Aquarius — via your second house of income, values, and self-worth — until May. Consider this your celestial hall pass from the heavens. Although, make sure you continue to execute everything you've learned the last couple of years, especially since Saturn will be making a U-turn in the next coming months.

Venus will enter sensual Taurus and your expressive fifth house of love, romance, and creativity, which means you'll be getting your mojo back sooner than later. Single? There will be an electric conjunction taking place between Venus and Uranus via this area of your chart, which can spark an unexpected love affair or perhaps even serve as an artistic muse.